Sentences with phrase «always better left»

Recovery is nearly always better left to the insurance company.
Hormone therapy is always best left to a specialist.
Other vets can do these, but the specialized equipment and expertise required to address each individual traumatic event means these scenarios are almost always best left to the specialists.

Not exact matches

You know this old rule: Always leave the state of the campsite (in this case, a hot desk) just as good — or slightly better — than you found it.
SoulCycle incorporates the best parts of group rides: the sense of camaraderie and community... and leaves out the worst parts: the egos and agendas and, well, there's always that one guy...
There are lots of competitors, including mSecure, Valt, Dashlane Password, LastPass and more, but 1Password has always worked well enough that I haven't found a reason to leave it.
«We want to always leave our customers» homes better than we found them,» Chris Corley tells me.
Says Sutton, «People always remark, «You can't believe how good you feel after the person has left.»»
It's always better to leave an audience wanting more than to let a speech drag on.
Yes, however there were mornings that I really didn't feel well and had to force myself to attend a class, always knowing I could stop or leave if I needed too.
The idea of leaving the world a better place has always appealed to me.
always does this in every sheet mask i have leave it in the refrigerator before using, feels good if u haven't try yet!
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
Either we believe in that which all Christians (Catholic, Orthodox, Reformed) have always believed or we, in good faith leave and become Unitarian or secular humanists.
@getreal In the game of life it is always good to have someone in left field.Now get real you stand out there and if a ball comes your way you toss it back.Do you understand?If you need help look to center field o.k.?
All this is quite true, as I am a caregiver, and usually stay until the end and when we talk, family is the one topic they always talk about — some bad but mostly the good — the love they have for their children and the love of a wonderful spouse, whom they hate to leave.
Its also ridiculous to hear a preacher talk about a husband and wife (8 months pregnant) die in a bus crash and leave a 3 year old child behind continuing to repeat that «god is good, always».
my husband never leaves the toilet seat up, and actually always puts even the lid down so that i don't have to always have a clear view of the inside of the s ** ter; is a very good cook; and takes out the trash (and the recycling) 9 times to my 1.
By the way, you'd better get used to seeing him in the press because he'll ALWAYS be news - worthy, even after he leaves office on January 20, 2017.
The thinking seemed to be «good riddance» when a bullied person left, because there will always be someone to take their place.
That being said, as a follower of Christ I always try to adhere to my best behavior no matter where I am, alone or in public, and I keep that in the forefront of my mind lest I be judged like the restaurant patrons you have described in this article despite the fact I don't do any of these things (i.e. t shirt, bible, leaving pamphlets in lieu of tip, etc...) Will I become a better tipper after reading this?
But I've since resolved that if this is the kind of relationship they want, I must be willing to walk the extra mile and do my best at maintaining it... always leaving the door open for something deeper, if and when they are ready for it.
now hes in the kingdom on his throne how much more powerfull now and us being his servants and conduits we have all the power of heavenat our disposal by his will.and we are to walk in the darkest places but we have a brighter light and when we go to the dakests we leave that light the darkest place bescomes the brightest place becuause the power used there stays if accepted and kept.we leave a lighted path for others to receave and gets the all deserving glory praise and thankfullness and worship and love he wants.we are always should have the servent learn to lead we serve when we lead we still serve and people will do the same when they see how well its system works.bless you and follow his path and make ways for him and others.
As a strong Catholic who is of service to the community on a regular basis, loves the faith, respects other's rights to have their faiths as well, and — yes — has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I would love to see CNN's belief blog write a story about the positive of the Catholic faith, instead of always reading about the people that have left and the problems people have with the Church.
I always cheer up immensely if an «attack» is particularly wounding because I think, well, if you attack me personally, it means you have not a single political argument left.
Jews who have chosen to follow the path submitted by Ms. Snyder have always left the fold for good.
For most purposes it is just as well that this is true, but for purposes of clear theological definition, it is important always to have in mind where the history leaves off and the story takes up.
When you do tell your story in greater detail, the effective counselor always leaves room in each session to help you leave the office well.
But for me, coming from a culture of independence, armed with a battalion of reasons why giving money to every person who asks is imprudent at best and destructive at worst, these conversations always leave me tense, my once genuine smile now forced as I agree to think about the request and then make my escape as quickly as possible.
I halve the ingredients as I only cook for two and even though I usually lack one or two of the veggies (I've replaced chickpeas with lentils before and have completely left out spinach and / or aubergine once or twice as well) the flavor is always spot on and not too spicy for me (probably because I use almost the full amount of sweet potatoes....
Vegan mac and cheese hot, cold, with ketchup, with bbq sauce, with curry, with peas (peas are always good in mac), in a bowl, on a plate, with a fork, with a spoon... maybe your hands... However you dish it up, this one - pot vegan mac and cheese will only leave you feeling comforted, healthy, and full of plant - powered love in a much more modern version of the ultimate American classic (traditional American mac may have originated in New England church potlucks or from Thomas Jefferson bringing a recipe idea over.
I make them a lot and add or leave out things and they always turn out good.
Better yet, always leave the last 1 / 2 - cup of flour aside when making bread.
Another person like my friend Shanna, whose gentle and wise voice is the reason why I return over and over to her blog, Food Loves Writing, from which I almost always leave feeling inspired, refreshed or determined to better myself as a person, and be a kinder soul to others.
Chitra is a good friend of mine, she always stops by and leave her encouraging words.
Well, we love this summer activity but the tough part is always left for me.
The standard method is to insert a toothpick and wait until it comes out clean, but cocoa powder always leaves a little something on the toothpick, so you have to temper your evidence with judgment, as well as some trial and error.
Loaded baked potato soup usually seems like a good idea at the time, I almost always end up regretting it: it's so heavy and creamy that it zaps all of my energy and leaves me with a stomachache.
(well, we always miss him because he's rushing, but he leaves the presents by the front door!)
Oh I may have missed it — I will try to double check and update the recipe but for now... it's a 10 ″ You can use an 8 ″ but you will have a good amount of batter left but you will also get a taller cake which always looks nice but I don't like not using the batter so 10 ″ is my usual.
«Dense» is a compliment though — I can't stand airy, light pancakes because they always leave me starving hungry an hour later, and that's no good for me at all!
One comment I've read more than a few times over the years of creating recipes for the blog is while energy bars, balls, and bites are well received as a healthy, easy, go - to snack, they almost always contain nuts leaving those with nut allergies out on the sidelines with tears welled up in their eyes, sad that...
Always feel free to leave a comment on a specific recipe you want to try and I will let you know what my best suggestion would be.
It's always been one of those desserts I leave to the experts until I found this solid and easy recipe from my Better Homes and Garden cookbook.
Today for example, I spent my lunch break at the hair salon, a place I love for these three reasons: first I adore my stylist and love hearing about her recent travels and life experiences; second because I always leave feeling refreshed and happy; and third because they have the best assortment of magazines!!
But I found the Vitamix always left my grain super hot and I'd have to let it cool off before using it in recipes (not super convenient, and also, probably not so good for the grain?)
It would start out real good; one cut clean down the middle, but by the end I was always left with a piece half the size of the other pieces I just cut.
Monique, this has always been eaten too fast for me to have any left to freeze, but these are the kinds of ingredients that freeze well.
The leaves, ground or whole, keep well in the freezer, so you can always have a stash to hand.
I left it there for good measures... it's always good to remember how far one has come)
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