Sentences with phrase «always moves in the direction»

[4] Power will always move in this direction of the «technopower elite» and so, control over the Web remains largely in these hands.
However, the scientific explanation always moves in the direction of showing that mechanisms can produce analogous actions.
Whether she's writing about Elvis Presley's megacolon or the stock images that are used in flatulence advertisements, she's always moving in a direction towards explaining or exploring her subject from another angle.
If you find your niche store takes off, you can always move in this direction later (and you'll find publishers and distributors will take a lot more notice and be more helpful).
Juicy Excerpt: When the P / E10 level is 7 (half of fair value), the fair - value magnet (stocks always move in the direction of fair value in the long term) is pulling the P / E10 level up hard and there is virtually no chance of a valuation drop (we never go below 7).

Not exact matches

There's always more work to be done for inclusion in the industry, but Taylor said things are moving in the right direction.
Moving your business in a different direction always involves risk.
Ford has always been a big truck company, and it pioneered some of the original SUVs, such as the Explorer, so it makes sense for the company to follow FCA and move in this direction.
The pair trade is important — Marleau always goes long in one area and short in a similar asset group — because he can mitigate the risk of the market's moving in an unexpected direction.
Since approximately 80 % of stocks and ETFs move in the same direction as the dominant broad market trend, one of the first and most important aspects of our stock trading strategy is to always trade on the same side of the overall stock market trend.
It Starts with a Buzz The University of Life Service, Service, Service What Business Should You Be In When is the right time to Start a business Don't Be a Flake Get It Right from the Start - Build Your Business like an Egyptian Pyramid My First Business Venture How I Started My Business Where It Went Wrong Making a Mistake Don't Burn Your Bridges Damage Limitation and Control How I Moved On Controlling Your Financial Exposure Getting Help with Your Idea How do You Research Your Idea Why You Have a Business Always Be Prepared Vertical or Horizontal Vision What Direction to Follow Leadership and Employing Staff Guiding Your Management Team Enjoy Your Work and Your Life Get Your Products and Services Right Low Cost Products and Service is not the Way Ahead Do You Need a Business Partner Business Expansion If You Want to Diversify, of What Should You Be Aware More Examples of Business Expansion The Importance of Good Time Keeping Time Management Real Estate Investment Finding the Solution
This is because other components of the portfolio have not always moved in the same direction as equities over long periods of time.
Mortgage rates almost always move in the same direction as Treasuries.
So they tend to move in the same direction but not always the same amount.
Well personally I think they can't continue to go down forever, but as always, markets can often move further then any of expect in a given direction, and as highlighted at the start of the post nat gas is certainly no stranger to extreme price movements.
Not surprisingly, pundits are touting the asset side of the equation as they always do during market highs, but remember asset prices can move in both directions while debt remains a constant.
(A «1» correlation means assets always move in the same direction; «0» means they move together 50 % of the time; and «-1» means they never move together.)
I've always been careful to try and make a distinction between this group and complementarians, and am disheartened to see mainstream complementarianism move in this direction.
Which is to conclude that, everywhere exerting its pressure, it tends with a «cosmic» tenacity and intensity to make continuous progress wherever it has gained a foothold, always moving in the same direction and reaching out as far as possible.
That we can gain more and more of it by moving always in the right direction, I believe as much as any one, and I hope to bring you all to my way of thinking before the termination of these lectures.
As we all know, being a woman isn't always the * easiest * thing but I think we're moving in a positive direction.
«Even if only two new kids take a fresh fruit or vegetable off the salad bar you're always moving in the right direction,» Weber says.
Second half he started to roam more he had an excellent change of direction in one move and he was always involved in the link up play in final thirds.
These are also joined by team captains, Andrew Abendstern and Luke Hilton, and the club meet monthly to cover the club's affairs and discuss problems, and also meet regularly with their coach to ensure they are always moving in the right direction.
«Even if only two new kids take a fresh fruit or vegetable off the salad bar you're always moving in the right direction,» Weber says.
Put your infant in different positions when it's awake so it can move its arms and legs in different directions (Always stay with your baby and watch it when placed on its stomach).
Always try to set the right priorities in order to fully work towards fiscally responsible budget which could keep your Ministry moving in the right direction and give the people quality and lasting services.
«Ocean eddies almost always head to the west, but by pairing up they can move to the east and travel ten times as fast as a normal eddy, so they carry water in unusual directions across the ocean.
So when you move the body around, the lymph fluid is always moving in one direction, that is up toward the neck.
Point being, research is always moving forward in multiple directions and with that comes the nitty - gritty facts.
KARATE CHOP POINT: Even though I feel fat all the time, and always have, I choose to accept myself anyway... Even though I'm trying to accept myself when I feel fat and unhappy about it, I accept who I am and appreciate my feelings... Even though I still feel fat, that's OK, I know I am moving in the right direction.
Always brush towards your heart (the direction the lymphatic fluid flows), lightly moving the brush in a in long strokes from your hands and feet in towards your torso
The lymph fluid moves through channels called «vessels» that are filled with one way valves, so the lymph always moves in the same direction.
A much more restrained Xavier Dolan after his pretentious previous film, and he displays an assured direction and firm control of this suspenseful thriller, even though the narrative seems to move too fast as the characters start to act in ways that are not always convincing.
Program, McCartney brought clear direction to the table and a real strategy for moving in those directions — actions you might expect (although not always get) from a dean.
Always drive safely and use caution when moving in either direction.
So they tend to move in the same direction but not always the same amount.
Mortgage rates almost always move in the same direction as Treasuries.
Often but not always, the stock and bond markets move in different directions: the bond market rises when the stock market falls and vice versa.
But did you know that there is a method of investing that, when applied to a certain type of security and implemented consistenly, always works in your favor no matter which direction the market moves?
Typically (but not always) bonds move in the opposite direction of stocks.
Price and yield always move in opposite directions for a fixed rate security.
A +1 indicates an absolute positive correlation (they always move together in the same direction).
A -1 indicates an absolute negative correlation (they always move together in opposite directions of each other).
There is always an answer and to some people the path to recovery is just a little longer than others but provided you are moving in the right direction you will certainly get there one day.
Bonds and stocks don't always move in opposite direction; often they behave similarly, especially if you are buying bond funds and not individual bonds where you have an option of waiting till maturity and ignoring bond market fluctuations.
A perfect inverse correlation -LRB--1.00) would mean that two assets always move in opposite directions.
A perfect correlation (1.00) would mean that both investments always move in the same direction with the same magnitude.
In order to diversify your portfolio, you want to try and find investments that don't always move in the same direction at the same timIn order to diversify your portfolio, you want to try and find investments that don't always move in the same direction at the same timin the same direction at the same time.
The correlation between C and D is 1.00, which is to say that both stocks always move in the same direction.
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