Sentences with phrase «always point people»

We are not the right fit for every law firm; regardless we always point people in the right direction, even if it's not to us.
I always point people to Shauna's site as a fantastic resource, and like I said when I did a blurb for the back of her book - her writing is always heartfelt, inspiring, and informational - a tough balance to strike.
And He always points people away from Himself and back to the Word and back to Jesus Christ.
I agree with you Tim, the premise of the article leads one to believe that because LDS has a big accredited university with deep theological minds and some leader of a big Christian seminary, again a deep theological mind, head knowledge not heart knowledge, that Mormonism should be recognized as a stream of Christianity.How Mormons differ is how they relate to Christ and the Holy Spirit.Only people who have encountered Jesus and thus a changed life, can be called an evangelical.Mormnism is man made religion.The Holy Spirit always points people to Jesus, not another man - Joseph Smith.Great moral people, who do lots of good and build beautiful tabernacles, but then again the Pharisees did too.
All available rentals will be marketed aggressively with craigslist, signs, referrals and newspapers, always pointing people to our website.

Not exact matches

«The brand rallying against the impersonal nature of the world and bringing people and communities together is the point of view that Tim's has always had and will continue to have.»
You always hear about the «overnight success» of a lot of businesses, but what most people don't see is the years of behind the scenes blood, sweat, and tears that go into pushing a business to that single point in time.
I love Twitter because the people I follow are always pointing to interesting things.
He always pointed out, however, that little displays of kindness go much further than nickel - and - diming people.
Reis and Blank are always quick to point out that failed startups «begin with an idea for a product that they think people want.»
I always have been a messy desk person, and at this point I think I always will be a messy desk person.
He goes on to insist that Facebook has always been about giving people control over their own information: «Somehow we missed this point with News Feed and Mini-Feed and we didn't build in the proper privacy controls right away.
In fact, the operators of these investment clubs encourage people throughout the country to invest in bitcoin, and promise huge returns, yet this is not always the case, especially when investing in a Ponzi scheme - in fact, some of these schemes have gotten to the point of being hilarious, considering the fact that some promise a 100 % return on the initial investment.
In terms, I think of inflation and bond markets, it took six, seven, eight, maybe 10 years of high inflation in the 1970s before you had Paul Volcker brought in to say «enough is enough,» and then again whether it's led by American monetary policy but similar moves in Europe, obviously in the UK, a significant tightening of monetary policy because people got fed up with inflation and I don't think that we are kind of yet at the point where real wages have been suppressed so much by that irritation that inflation is always running ahead, life is becoming more expensive, so we need the central bank radically to change their policy.
Now, a number of people have pointed out that we typically invert before a recession and historically such inversions have been the case most of the time — but not always if you go back far enough in time — and you should since this is not a normal economy.
You're not always right, but at least you're modest and humble, pointing out where a chart failed and always showing people what to watch out for and where to place stops.
Of course, delaying isn't always better — or always possible — for everyone, particularly for people with health issues, because it can take years to reach the breakeven point.
Jordan points to a quote by Montesquieu: «If we only wanted to be happy it would be easy; but we want to be happier than other people, which is almost always difficult, since we think them happier than they are.»
At that point, it was about masturbation only (no one had made a comparison to homosexuality), so, without much personal stake in the debate, I thought to myself «See, this is why people don't like the answers, not (always) because it doesn't let them do what they want, but because the answers are sometimes very poor indeed.»
As people are always pointing out, Christians have persecuted Christians a lot through history, especially when political or dynastic or commercial interests were involved.
There will always be people, such as Michael, who are ready to challenge biblical context by changing the point.
Further, I am always skeptical of people who contend to have a monopoly on the truth, while refusing to consider other peoples points of view.
The point of the rest of my post is that all you have to do is turn on the cable news stations and they will always have some person declaring that folks are not devoting every second of their waking days to this cause or that cause.
Obama always has that finger pointed at someone, if a white person did that to a black person, it would be racist
«You christians can always come up with a way to abandon your own argument (once it's been destroyed) and instead ad hominem or point to insults or the color of the person's hair, or the way they dress, or who they s c r e w..
Harold and Alma Moldenke correctly point out, «Such statements as that concerning the size of the mustard seed must always be judged in the light of the knowledge of the time of the people involved» (Plants of the Bible; Dover Publications, 1952, p. 61).
But the Spirit never points people to Himself, but always and only glorifies the Son.
Obviously, there are always new things proven by science that explain what people in the past have attributed to things super natural and they seem silly at this point, but that's not the case for everything.
I'm always amazed when people naysay nakedpastor for pointing out the abuse that goes on in the church.
I just felt the need to point out that any «organization» of people, whether it's a family or a Boy Scout troop or a chess club — or a church — sets up a situation where people can be hurt, and it nearly always involves sin.
This is an important point, for, while we have often taught what is wrong with homosexuality, why it is a disorder and that «gay sex» is always morally wrong - we have been less effective at proposing the whole, positive vision of sex and love, and also what paths to fulfilment are open to people who experience same - sex attraction.
People who do not know very much about their Catholic faith and journalists who are always after novelties have discussed the Council mostly from the point of view of new and revolutionary developments.
god is the ONLY default you people always go to EVEN when the evidence points definitively in another more likely direction.
That person would surely acknowledge (even if wincing while doing so) that preachers, in attempting to interpret Scripture and guide the faithful, are free to draw on a variety of resources to make their points, and that such attempts will not always please everyone.
He took a long look at the room of would - be pastors and ministerial leaders, each of us zealous to earn our future roles in churches, ministries and on the mission field and delivered his first teaching point: «The wrong person at the wrong place at the wrong time always results in the wrong thing happening.»
But I» m for the point that the term «silence» should not be used in the sense that God has been always on the business of talk to people in defferent forms and also during that period a lot happened, we get the likes of Zechariah the priest who always led worship ceremony.
As you point out, Jesus ALWAYS loves the person.
The enlightenment experience itself is an uncovering of what has always been present from a first - person point of view.
That point is almost always left out by people who study Bergson.
I once dated a very smart man who pointed out to me that it's always the smartest people who use LSD.
I seem to have one or two in every post I write, and always appreciate it when people point them out.
This criticism fails, Person points out, because on any issue where the requirements of the natural law were clear, Kirk always conceded their precedence over tradition.
I know some people are going to go apoplectic about «moral equivalency», but my point is to show that we are not always objective in evaluating leaders in other cultures, places and times.
A. Point People to Christ (Luke 3:15 - 16a) B. Remember that Judgment is Coming (Luke 3:16 b - 17) C. Godly Ministry is Not Always Popular (Luke 3:18 - 20)
I always like to remind people that our Lord Himself wasn't above using stories, that were probably taylored to the point that He wanted to make (the parables).
Dogmatic Formulations The Catechism also presents the various terms used by the Magisterium of the Church with regard to the Trinity (in particular substance / essence / nature, person / hypostasis and fnally relation) and also the various key points of doctrine that need always to be kept in mind.
There are a lot of misunderstandings in churches today about what the Holy Spirit does and who He is, but when we truly consider the whole council of God, we discover that He always prefers to remain out of the way and behind the scenes, gently and quietly point people to Jesus Christ.
By the way, whether this gifted man (or any of the others you cited) believed or not is quite beside the point of whether there is a god, but I get frustrated when people wrongly attribute a belief in [always their] god to him.
It always points beyond itself not so much to its associate, the people, as to the Creator, the suffering and risen Lord and the Inspirer.
Yeah, you are missing the point, but it's the same point that religious people always miss, so carry on soldier.
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