Sentences with phrase «always reread»

Hence always reread requirements before an interview.
The Bible is not a fixed, frozen, readily exhausted read; it is, rather, a «script,» always reread, through which the Spirit makes all things new.

Not exact matches

At last, the gorgeous surface of things comes to appear as a true mystery, a sacrament destined to transform our imaginations, leading us to reread the world as a poem produced by the one idea, the one who imagines things into being, the sun who is also and always the Son of God.
While tradition must always be reread in terms of the context, that can only be done if the past formulations are at least known, they assert.
It's also always interesting to wake up the next morning, reread my notes, and try to decipher what my sleepy fingers were attempting to type.
In the meantime, as a professional, you should always remember to reread recipes a few times before tackling them, especially when making multiples of a recipe.
I think you need to reread that — «my primary duty has always been to my patients, to accurately provide the best available balance of evidence.»
Or maybe a classic I missed (The Iliad) or one I've always wanted to reread (Moby - Dick)?
I always have a Charles Simic book floating around, in constant reread.
I find rereading a classic title can always benefit me in some way, reinforcing a good investment lesson or perhaps even picking up a few insights that I might have missed on previous reads.
I reread «How to be creative» every now and then, and always gain new insights.
but I have reread a bunch of your posts, and I want to complement you on keeping your head when some (the always unnamed «some») about you were losing theirs and blaming it on you.
(I always have a habit of rereading what I write, and I did find one or two spelling mistakes.)
While it is always a good idea to use spellcheck, you should also reread the resume yourself to be sure that everything is grammatically correct and conveyed logically and correctly.
You can always go back and reread the old ones.
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