Sentences with phrase «always see through»

From the first one, I have placed my Bible over the physical award and prayed, «Jesus, help me always see this through Your Word.»
Now they are not always see through, but always a divine mix of modern minimalism and classic cuts.
What if the John 3:16 on his eyelids is for himself (to «help» him always see through the eyes of love I guess), and not for evangelism?
Our life, like any of the rest of you out there, has had it's fair share of crises and God has always seen us through and never allowed us to become bitter.
I used it as a way to express how the Bauhaus women are always seen through the prisms of their male counterparts — lovers, husbands, colleagues, or whatever — and how the Bauhaus history, like so many histories, is narrated through the men.

Not exact matches

What I tend to do is head to the Social Networking category and scroll through to see which ones I've not heard of or used yet (there's almost always a few interesting apps between positions 10 - 30).
McDonalds Man McDonalds Man The french fries had a plan The french fries had a plan The salad bar and the ketchup made a band Cus the french fries had a plan The french fries had a plan McDonalds Man McDonalds I know them french fries have a plan I know them french fries have a plan The cheeseburger and the shakes formed a band To overthrow the french fries plan I always knew them french fries was evil man Smelling all good and shit I don't trust no food that smells that good man I don't trust it I just can't McDonalds Man McDonalds Man McDonalds, damn Them french fries look good tho I knew the Diet Coke was jealous of the fries I knew the McNuggets was jealous of the fries Even the McRib was jealous of the fries I could see it through his artificial meat eyes And he only be there some of the time Everybody was jealous of them french fries Except for that one special guy That smooth apple pie
«We force ourselves to always see everything through the customer's lens.»
Whenever I see something in financial services I always ask my partner Brian McLoughlin who has spent more than a decade looking at Fin Services deals or I might send it through to Mark Goines who is a phenomenal angel investor (invested and on the board of and was previous SVP at Intuit.
I have witnessed trades for many stocks where you can clearly see the manipulative efforts of small block sell orders coming through, that appear to be intentionally forcing share price down... Much of this activity runs through the houses of Canada's biggest banks, and it almost always forces the price of stocks down to a point where liquidity and buy orders have completely dried up and there is no more stock floating around in the system to short.
Make sure to always communicate your promotions and such through social media outlets, or anywhere else that your customers will be able to see it — this is one of the best ways to become a professionally established brand online.
It is always hugely rewarding and great fun to collaborate with individuals across the globe through groups such as Women at FTI and see what others have to say and share.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
I laugh because I've seen so many like you before and they always end up saying «please stop praying for me because I can't take it anymore» or «you know I hate to say it but you were right and thank you for praying me through».
Through the love of some Christian co-workers I saw a different Jesus than I had always heard about.
All through the Bible we see various groups including the Israelites turn to false gods (golden calf, Baal, etc.) and God always called the Israelites back to Himself.
this comet elenin is not a comet but a brown dwarf star... everytime it lines up with the Earth and sun, there is a major earthquake... Im a christian and and we always have to see through nutcases for the name of chrisitans.
Most people like to see their content accessed widely and so can learn some great tips (as well as read some good content) from these blogs, but «most popular» doesn't always mean «best» I'd say that for any blogger a key to judging your own success is to think about the purpose and intended audience of you blog — if you have a niche audience in a specific location you may not get a huge following but if you set out to acheive something worthwhile through your blog and you achieve it then that counts as success.
Life is always clear when you press closer and see it through the sheer love of God.
The significance of the sacrifices was to see our sinfulness and turn our hearts back to God and that is made clear with the death of Christ.The animals though could not remove our sin that was only possible through Christ as God he could remove sin in the past present and future as he is outside of time and space not like us.So there sins in effect were covered by Jesus as well in the old testament as in the new by Gods we just did nt see it.The example of abraham able enoch they all were righteous they were justified before God.Enoch walked with God and was no more that sounds like the rapture to me so the holy spirit was present in that age just like us.We see that God has always been at work to bring life and to bring mankind to salvation.
For, as Paul reminds us, we all see through a glass darkly and we must always be open to further clarity.
In the past he has always said we see through a glass darkly.
The late 80s and 90s saw an intensification of the rock identification with leftist activism that had always been there, but which had suffered through some hesitant and confused years when punk and new wave crashed onto the scene with their anti-hippie and sometimes even anti-Labor ire in the late 70s and early 80s, a confusion heightened by the Thatcher / Reagan victories and the mainstream «morning again» mood they brought.
I'm always grateful you can see through the BS, David.
It is not that repentance precedes an awareness of acceptance and hence the opening of new opportunities; rather, it is that when one knows through the action of God in the event of Jesus Christ that one is already accepted and forgiven by God the great Lover of the world, one's only response can be, «I am unworthy,» Because I am already and always accepted by God, who is the One «to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid», who knows each of us better than any of us can know ourselves, then I am impelled to see my own inadequacy, defects, failures, and wrongs.
It is out of the question to try to grasp God through sight (which is the equivalent of reducing truth to reality), to claim that what one sees can be God (in this case one converts reality into truth), or to make a representation of something in the spiritual realm (which is the same as consecrating a religion, since religions always belong to the visual realm).
The optimist will always tend to see the glass half - full and the pessimist see the glass half - empty; but the mature believer will be more inclined to chose the Cross rather than pursue his or her self - interest through unjust means or indulge disordered passions at the expense of others.
You will recall that we saw in the last chapter that normally worship has this characteristic — the tribe or group offers its praise to God, through a priest to be sure, but always with the priest as one who represents the people who are making the offering.
but a Father's eye can always see right through.
That Spirit - informed faith came finally to see in Jesus the one in whom God dwelt or through whom God worked with singular intensity, to provide a re-presentation of what God is always up to in the world and intends for humanity.
If people are like the Israelites at Mount Sinai, and are too afraid to approach God, or do not know if they can trust Him, He is willing to let them approach Him through priestly mediators, written precepts, and holy places, knowing that many will eventually see the emptiness of religion, and will seek Him directly as He has always wanted.
I always say some people can be healed through seeing my scars.
There are always pessimistic and optimistic views over Islam but my religion teaches peace and humanity and jihad is to resist against wrong no matter if some one have same faith, it can be through writing also and please if u haven't read my religion, (which I can see) then please DO N'T comment.
Ive been in the word for awhile and have felt more confused and lost then ever but almost like the ending of Twister when in the middle of a impossible to live with moment, im starting to see the breaking up of clouds and see the path im on and realizing that the path i choose isnt the wrong one because YWHY through YESHUA was, is and always will be, so when i chase the storm, the storm will consume my life.
I care not if some would feminize the gender, but do grieve a bit when they refer to «Sophia» rather than just call a Holy Ghost a Holy Ghost and fail to see why most always want to take God's gifts as personal properties instead of seeing them all incorporated with the Indwelling promised through conversion.....
And whether they involve racial reconciliation, sexual identity, or David Copperfield, she always sees them and lives in them through the lens of the Gospel, the most important story of all.
We have had similar things take place while meeting with the church and it is always really neat to see how God manifests Himself in people and how people struggle to see Him through the mess and beauty that is humanity.
In hindsight you can always see it, but you can't see it going through it.»
If you can see through this statement u will easily see that he will always be right!!
He is always seen working through the Church which, interestingly, is called «Mother Church.»
We have always encouraged the parents to love and support their children and always advised the girls to see their pregnancies through, even though there will of course be challenges along the way.
So again, when we talk about discipleship and the unbeliever, we can see that no matter what a person believes or doesn't believe about God, Jesus, sin, Scripture, and a whole host of other Christian teachings, there is always room for us to talk with a person about what they believe (or don't believe) and hopefully bring them to a place that is somewhat closer to the truth revealed through Jesus Christ and in the Scriptures.
There will always be that battle in us, but, as we grow in His likeness, inside and out, His Spirit will begin to dominate in and through us, so that Jesus can be seen in His purity, light and love.
But if he has understood it, he will also understand that there is not and never can be a disciple at second hand; for the believer, and he alone is a disciple, is always in possession of the autopsy of Faith; he does not see through the eyes of another, and he sees only what every believer sees — with the eyes of Faith.
I always make lots of leftovers of this to see me through a few days of lunches and snacks and no matter how many times I eat it I'm always excited by the though of it!
When I see parsnips at the store, I always want to pick some up and try them, and I never follow through with it.
I can tell the story of my life through my ornaments Each year I look forward to giving away ornaments to the people that I love and I'm always anxious to see what I will add to my collection.
About 15 minutes after you added the sugar to the pan, your rice pudding should be done, you can always tell by running your spatula through the pan, and if you can see the bottom of the pan, you have a perfect rice pudding
I should really look through it again and see what I can find because we have always loved the recipes in it.
«I would travel through Europe always looking at what's out there and see the trends,» she continues.
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