Sentences with phrase «always up to parents»

Regardless of laws and regulations, in the end it's always up to parents to keep kids safe.

Not exact matches

However, when no parents were around, Eddie was always up to no good... ``
«We believe that parents must retain the fundamental freedom that they've always have to bring up their children in accordance with their own beliefs and values without the state intervening and trying to push a certain view of alternative lifestyles to children.»
We often mess up, but like a loving parent, God reaches out to us as Father, Mother and Brother, always by our side to lead us and comfort us.
Children in such a home are always walking on eggshells, antennae up in the air, trying to sniff out which parent will show up that evening — the caring one or the neglectful one, the one who disparages and demeans them or the one who overindulges them by drowning them in kindness as compensation for past abuse.
ive been wrestling since i was 9 years old and when i went into high school i had to wrestle a girl... growing up learning to wrestle i had ended up having violent style, i never was dirty or broke rules but i was taught to do anything in your power to win whehter it was to club down the head or grab the throat to gain position etc. unfortunately i was in the postion to wrestle a girl once and at the time i did nt care who you were boy / girl, white / black / purple it did nt matter im was going to go out there bounce your head of the mat and bury you, so i went out there and wreslted the same way i always wrestled, 110 % and always to put your oppenents back through the mat i dditn change my style at all bc she was a girl i wrestled the same against everyone but after i pinned her in the first minute i did nt even realize that i broke her ribs when i power doubled through her, now after that for the rest of the tournament i was heckled and berated for forcefully beating a girl ppl were telling my parents «hey, looks like you raised a wife beater» etc. etc.... ever since then i refused to wrestle girls and thank go i eventually grew out of the lower weights, moral of the story is that is great and all that girls are wrestling but they shouldnt wrestle boys even if they know what they are getting into because 1.
I'd wear hand - me - down athletic clothes from a cousin (always two sizes too big), suit up in all of the pertinent equipment (hockey goalie being the favorite), appropriate some of my parents» garden equipment to make goals, sticks, or bats, and then do battle (most often in a recognizably mediocre fashion).
And whether it's a summer day spent barbecuing in the backyard or a family vacation by the beach, my parents always come equipped to whip anyone up one of these salt - rimmed delights in minutes.
You see, Panos» parents have a large garden in Evia island and they always end up having too much produce (even though we warn them NOT to plant so many veggies) LOL:) We loved the simplicity of this dish.
When I was growing up, we always had to finish the food on our plates and then some, ostensibly because my parents hate wasting food and they don't like having leftovers.
Having the economic sensibilities of every other food - loving twentysomething, I always fill a plastic bag up when I go home to visit my parents to avoid having to purchase it myself.
I was never allowed to eat nutella growing up, but occasionally my parents would buy a healthier version of it and I always liked that better anyways.
I have always been a morning person... even as a teenager I never was one to sleep until noon, or even need my parents to wake me up for school.
Actually, I always thought I was going to be a child psychologist when I was growing up and wound up really, really, really liking adoption work and the psychology behind adoption and supporting birth parents and adoptive parents through the process.
Sure, parents don't always want to abandon their beloved animals or drop them at the front door of kill shelters, but when your number's up, it's up!
When I explain that teaching kids to overvalue external measures of success short - circuits their development as self - regulating individuals — the true foundation of a productive life — a shocking number of parents respond that you can't undo bad grades and low test scores, but you can always catch up on the emotional stuff later — a tragic misapprehension.
It is up to parents, whether it be individually or as members of a booster club, «Friends of Football,» or PTA, to raise money to (a) fund the hiring of a certified athletic trainer (who, as we always say, should be the first hire after the head football coach); (b) consider equipping players with impact sensors (whether in or on helmets, in mouth guards, skullcaps, earbuds, or chinstraps); (c) purchase concussion education videos (which a new study shows players want and which they remember better); (d) to bring in speakers, including former athletes, to speak about concussion (another effective way to impress on young athletes the dangers of concussion); and (e) to pay for instructors to teach about proper tackling and neck strengthening;
Subsequently, I'm always thrilled when I hear about new options opening up for parents, which leads me to the excellent news that Bright Horizons — a supporter of this website and a provider of aforementioned year - round reliable awesome childcare for countless families — is opening a new center in the Seaport District (Fan Pier) this July!
I've always vowed to have an open home for my children and their friends as I didn't feel things were that way when I grew up with my parents - no one was allowed to stay over ever, no matter what age or sex they were.
While demand feeding is almost always recommended for immediately after birth, deciding whether to switch to a schedule is up to some debate among both parents and doctors.
There are times when it is really challenging to keep up my model of attachment parenting with my 2 year old, who just bit me, but then I always ask myself why he did it, instead of reacting with a scream.
You've found that sister / best friend parenting mentor you always wished for and the expert who's up to date on the research.
I was talking to someone recently and they said they always thought there parents were boring because they never dressed up for Halloween or other holidays.
I will always cherish and miss the baby days and wish that I had a rewind button so every third Saturday I could take my existing children back to milk - drunk new - baby - fragrance curled - up - leg days — but I would struggle to parent the three I have in the way I try to with a fourth.
I know that some that even say they will do those things don't always actually follow through I've heard some unpleasant stories of showing up early to find their child wandering aimlessly, crying for attention from the caregiver that assured the parent that they would care for their child in an AP manner.
Singing, rocking, feeding, walking, drinking some water, sitting on the pot... Finally baby's eyes are closed, but his sleep is shallow and short, there are always reasons to wake up, in general, parents are not bored at night.
And yet, Chua has it right when she talks about teaching children to do anything, which includes, in my opinion, spiritual things: «This often requires fortitude on the part of the parents because the child will resist; things are always hardest at the beginning, which is where Western parents tend to give up
To start, I always make sure that I am the right person to be working with that client because maybe there are doulas who are better at dealing with parents who are not interested in being active participants and joint decision makers in their births... Who can work with clients that say «I will never speak uTo start, I always make sure that I am the right person to be working with that client because maybe there are doulas who are better at dealing with parents who are not interested in being active participants and joint decision makers in their births... Who can work with clients that say «I will never speak uto be working with that client because maybe there are doulas who are better at dealing with parents who are not interested in being active participants and joint decision makers in their births... Who can work with clients that say «I will never speak up.
I am fortunate enough to have a wonderful public school system for my children, but it just makes me laugh when I see so many parents continue to get caught up in always wanting «the best»: the best 2nd grade teacher, the best soccer coach, the best swim program.
This is useful for busy parents who do not always want to run from one room to the other just to see what their babies are up too.
This strategy not only teaches kids that their parents won't always fix their problems, but also that sometimes things aren't going to go their way — and that's no reason to give up.
It shouldn't always be up to the parent to find an alternative activity, kids need to figure that out on their own, also, they won't be able to handle it when you do just have to say «no.»
Afterwards Crystal followed up and helped me with breastfeeding questions and other new parent concerns, and she was always available before and after the due date to answer any crazy questions I had.
These musings are not so much an all - encompassing list of trends so much as a reminder to you, mama — the parenting world is always coming up with some new gadget, technology, or trend.
So instead of picking up your camera, sit back, grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine and learn from the sometimes goofy, sometimes confusing but always funny evidence of what other parents had ended up with when they tried to recreate what the professionals make look so easy.
They mean well but they didn't always have the information and research to back up their parenting practices.
No matter what they are doing, we as parents want them to always look amazing and cute and the perfect item to dress them up in is baby skirts.
Soak up the wisdom of parents, who offer tips ranging from bouncing on a birthing ball to accepting that you can't always make...
Even for parents with good intentions, there is always the temptation to prop up a bottle next to the child, or, when the baby is a little older, to let the child hold his / her own bottle and sit alone.
Though some parents will say that you need to do this, my diapers have always held up just fine with the way that I take care of them.
As always, a few parents advocated more harshness: «Parents just need to learn to say No and back it up with punishment!parents advocated more harshness: «Parents just need to learn to say No and back it up with punishment!Parents just need to learn to say No and back it up with punishment!»
But as mom gets to be a more experienced parent, she learns the pitfalls of feeding and changing her little one — although be ready, because there will always be surprises up ahead.
Older children love to copy their parents, older siblings and other adults in their life, as they always want to show you how «grown up» they are.
«If you're unable to send an official birth announcement within the first few weeks after the birth, you can always send a short e-mail update or post a short social media message first and then follow up with a more formal, detailed announcement (electronic or paper) when you have time,» says Jessica Remitz at Parents Magazine.
It is always important for parents and caregivers to keep up to date on recalled products, and report any incidents that may occur.
As always, there's strength in numbers: if your letter is signed by many parents, or if a group of parents show up together at a meeting, you're far more likely to be heard than if you're acting alone.
It is funny how research always seems to back up a mother's natural instincts... if only more parents followed their instincts and ignored the bad advice (that is constantly changing).
Therefore, these babies will want to be always held by their parents since they like to be up where action is or else they will keep on crying.
BABYBJÖRN A member of the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA), BABYBJÖRN's concept has always been to make day - to - day life easier for parents of small children by developing safe and innovative products of the highest quality for children up to three years old.
Let's talk about classes, at what point parents always wants to know this, when should they sign up for this classes?
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