Sentences with phrase «am waketime»

Since you want the 8 AM waketime, that is why I would go for the dreamfeed first.
Our schedule is: 6 am waketime and feeding, back to sleep until about 8:30 9:15 feeding 12:30 feeding 3:45 feeding 7:00 feeding and bedtime I put him on a 3 hr 15 min schedule to that I could have his bedtime at 7 pm
8 am waketime: nurse 9:30 - 11 / 11:30: nap 1 11:30: nurse 1pm - 2:30: nap 2 2:30 nurse 3:45 - 4:30: nap 3 4:45: nurse «snack» 6:30 / 6:45 bottle of formula * very very hungry at this feeding (I pump a little later to build a stash) 7 pm bedtime 11:15 pm I wake him for DF 5:30 am he wakes to nurse (eats for a good 15 minutes) 8 am waketime (sometimes I wake him sometimes he's up 7:30 - hard to say) How do I start?
How is your waketime length?

Not exact matches

I know she knows how to transition it just seems like she may be up too long during her waketime.
There are some posts on extending waketime.
Typically, if a baby is not crying in bed but takes a long time to fall asleep, I say the baby needs a longer waketime length, BUT 60 minutes seems plenty long enough for a 3 week old.
For more information, see the blog index under «waketime» Your dreamfeed should be happening at 10 PM.
He also still has a very short waketime during the day, yawning after being awake only 30 to 35 min.
I'm concerned about cutting out his waketime activities such as tummy time, but I really want him to learn to nap.
Well this week he has been waking 1 - 2 hrs early that 7a (our desired waketime).
- MidMorning - 10 am - Afternoon - 1 pm - Midafternoon - 4 pm - Late afternoon - 7 pm - Early evening - 10 pm (sounds awfully late for an «early evening» feeding); this one even says possible waketime, but how is that possible?
Here's how it goes: - Early morning (includes waketime)- if we start our day at 7 am, isn't that this feeding?
Do I need waketime after her last feeding of the day or is it okay to reverse her bath and feeding so that she has a bath and then nurses right before I put her in bed?
I also kept up the dreamfeed longer than he probably needed it and added a 1:30 am pumping (he had been STTN for a couple months) and woke him to feed him at 5:00 am (normal morning waketime is 8:00).
My concern is that she's not really getting much waketime since she is nursing for so much of it.
For the older baby, it would be from DF to morning waketime — meaning no night feedings.
Often times, crying is related to waketime length.
His waketime is roughly an hour... give or take five minutes... and so far (fingers crossed) his naps have been uninterrupted and a consistent 2 hours.
And Jennifer was correct; waketime includes feeding time (Thanks Jennifer!)
I'm not sure there is anything that I can do about this excessive long wake time window of fuzzing action since he usually has a big bowl movement around 2:00 a.m. I'm only guessing his bowl movement is what keeps him up for 3 hours, but who knows it might be do to my poor waketime strategy during the day.
But with about 60 minutes of waketime plus at least a 45 - 60 minute nap, he should be able to go two hours.
Some mornings he will sleep until 6:30 and eat and fall back asleep until our waketime at 8, but then he won't eat again at 8 so he is missing one whole feeding and doing fine.
Do you have any suggestions for keeping baby happy in the 1 1/2 hours of waketime we are having between the last nap and her 7 p.m. feeding?
He usually sleeps 7 - 8 hours, so wakes up around 2:30 - 4 am for his next feed, then usually sleeps till his waketime of 7 am.
A young baby may only be able to do 45 minutes of waketime — including feeding.
Sometimes that is all you need to get baby closer to your desired waketime.
should I let her cry it out at 4 and see if she can make it till 630 or by feeding her at 4 am I making that our waketime?
She might eat better if she had a four hour schedule, but to do that you would want to try to fix the early waking, or wait until her waketime can be longer.
I have a 2 and a half week baby boy and I am having difficulties planning out a waketime strategy.
If nothing has changed, is there something that should change (like waketime length being longer or feedings being spread out).
Jessica, Her waketime lengths don't have to be a certain length necessarily.
He has recently started waking in the middle of the night and fussing for about 5 minutes every 30 minutes from 3 am until his waketime at 6 am, and I think it is because he is hungry from dropping all those calories and not replacing them with food.
His waketime is about 1 hour, including feeding time, and this means a 2 1/2 hour nap if he goes 3.5 hours between feedings.
No extra waketime for the night feedings — start with the 6 AM feeding.
Included is an explanation of the three basic elements of daytime activities for newborns: feeding time, waketime, and naptime.
If the child takes a long time to fall asleep without crying, it is a sign that waketime length is too short.
It's also hard to judge his optimal waketime because I feel like he is constantly tired from not getting good naps... sometimes I am putting him down 30 minutes after waking because he is already yawning and getting fussy!
I have read about shortening waketimes, but shouldn't they be getting longer and not shorter since she's about 5 months??
RoxyT, If you get his optimal waketime length right, he should go to sleep rather quickly (though the Baby Whisperer does say that average time to fall asleep is 20 minutes).
Often that is a sign of not having waketime in the day, but it sounds like you are doing that.
The only thing I feel really confident in is the going - to - bed - routine... he has always fallen asleep earlier, his bedtime is usually around 6:30 pm and he goes down like a champ and is usually out for 4 or 5 hours... his waketime in the morning is also around 6:30 am - 7 am... where should I go from there?
At that age, it can be that waketime is too long or too short.
The problem with this is that I have to calculate her waketime from the moment she wakes vs when I get her up.
My 4 month old is waking at midnight which is his normal waketime in Germany (7 am) and then goes back to bed if I nurse him until around 3:30 am and then back to sleep after nursing and then wakes again at 5 am.
One is that he is ready for a bit more stimulation durding waketimg OR a bit longer waketime length.
He also roots around a lot like he is hungry even though he eats (breastfeeds for about 20 minutes every 2.5 hours — his waketime is around 45 - 50 minutes).
So, my question is should I take him on the walk right after he eats as waketime even if he does take a cat nap?
He did really well after about the third day and started sleeping past his waketimes (when he was on the 3 - 3.5 hr schedule) and wouldn't take full feedings.
However, since naps are shorter, waketime needs to be shorter, too.
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