Sentences with phrase «amazing accuracy»

Dogs have exceptional senses of smell and are capable of identifying gift - wrapped sweets with amazing accuracy and efficiency.
Have you ever heard the saying, «If you don't have a goal, then you'll wind up hitting it with amazing accuracy.»?
The Innovo Forehead and Ear thermometer has shown excellent performance with amazing accuracy of results.
We've just bought a flat - bed scanner for our library that scans and OCRs with amazing accuracy for just a few hundred dollars.
Because we have such amazing accuracy we were able to see that between these two seas the elevation varied smoothly about 11 meters, relative to the center of mass of Titan, consistent with the expected change in the gravitational potential.
Timing is very accurate and receives time - setting signals from the world's atomic clocks, assuring amazing accuracy.
Due to the infrequent nature of our low risk version, but it's amazing accuracy rate of 89 %, it's the perfect tool to match up with any other trading system currently in your arsenal.
Exploring the entire Milky Way in amazing accuracy and detail, and with the option of doing it in a group, is reason enough to pick Elite Dangerous up on the Xbox One.
Face recognition software that can «guess your gender with amazing accuracy» seems to be light years away from what's available on products such as the iPad (17 February, p 5).
in spite of their testimony or maybe because of their testimony you choose to call them all liars.All that is being said is that there is evidence for the truth of the Bible in archaeology with amazing accuracy.
His 121 completed passes beat Cazorla's 120 against Newcastle and at an amazing accuracy of 96 percent which means that only six went astray over the whole 90 minutes.
We love it for its pretty, black - and - cream design and its amazing accuracy.
A septuagenarian who started training his memory at the age of 58 can now recite all 60,000 words of Paradise Lost with amazing accuracy
It is also the first to demonstrate that a deep convolutional neural network — a computing system modelled after the neuron activity in animal brains that can basically learn on its own — can effectively differentiate between similar plants with an amazing accuracy of nearly 100 %.
Face recognition software that can «guess your gender with amazing accuracy» seems to be light years away from what's available...
Corey Burton is astoundingly good as Captain Hook, capturing Hans Conreid's performance with amazing accuracy.
Search your handwritten notes and convert what you write into digital text with amazing accuracy
The rats work very quickly and with amazing accuracy.
The PlayStation Move has been a joy to work with from day one, giving us amazing accuracy and opening new opportunities to take the shooter genre forward in the game's design.
Although not a particularly long adventure game, Apprentice hits all the right buttons with amazing accuracy, making this one of the hottest Adventure Game Studio games out there.
I'm unsure if it was an old fashion calibration issue from the old Wiimote days, or if I was just not getting the motion right, but trying to get the robot to turn was not as easy as I had thought it would be given the amazing accuracy other kits had demonstrated.
When coupled with the NCDC SRRS analysis and forecast charts it is amazing the accuracy that even I, an ignorant layman, can develop in predicting long term or seasonal storm development and the likely contributors.
Smart phones are all equipped with GPS devices that will help you find your desired destination with amazing accuracy.
In addition, the HUAWEI nova series supports fast autofocus for amazing accuracy, helping consumers to capture wonderful moments in their life.
Even if you have never worked as an order picker before, you can play up your amazing accuracy to wow employers.To boost your chances of success, mention your punctuality.
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