Sentences with phrase «amazing act»

Throughout the years that I have worked here, I have seen some pretty amazing acts of kindness.
Denzel Washington reveals amazing acting advice to aspiring actors and how to survive in Hollywood.
«I very much appreciate that, for so many of you, the inspiration to do such amazing acts of service in your communities comes directly from your Christian faith.»
Many new mothers find breastfeeding to be one of the most amazing acts of motherhood, but it's important to be honest about breastfeeding: although it is a natural act, it does not always come naturally.
The dissection of a real life legal case from every possible point of view may be the main subject from Barbet Schroeder's «Reversal of Fortune» but the heart of the film unquestionably resides in one of the most amazing acting performances in the history of cinema: Jeremy Iron's portrayal of Claus Von Bulow
A positive example of «real people» done convincingly is the original Domino's pizza truth campaign — the chain's employees were either real people, or amazing acting jobs.
This lack of plot to propel the film forward bravely puts the three leads and their hardly amazing acting under scrutiny.
SUMMARY OF THOUGHTS: The Master is a challenging and beautifully crafted film with amazing acting all around — including a standout performance by Joaquin Phoenix.
With amazing acting, and great character development, Lawless ends up being worth the full price admission.
such amazing acting in the show but I think he is one of the best.
You and I are not far apart, I totally get the amazing act of grace.
Cecilia forgot to say, it says that god made it feel good because its an amazing act, the most amazing thing you can do is create life, so why not make it feel good?
When I read about Calvin and others ideas on what Gods Word says, the Arminian, Lytheran, Wesleyan, Unitarian and various Church denominations and their interpretations, particularly when they hang their whole idea on one part of the Bible to prove how right they are, it affirms what I have always thought since before I was saved by God as well as after that amazing act of grace on His part, that man values and honors the mind far above the heart.
And I think that in a world of such diversity & differences; whatever or whoever, is responsible for our world, won't mind whether one prays one way & one prays another, since we are each a part of the amazing act of creation.
Becoming a surrogate and helping another family achieve their parenthood dreams is an amazing act of kindness.
It seemed a little silly to post some item that I'm loving this week, when the thing that I'm really loving is watching the amazing acts of generosity and service in Texas and Louisiana.
With her amazing acting skills, pretty hair, classy dressing sense, and contagious smile, she is the nation's heartthrob!
The man of the evening, who bagged two awards for his amazing acting and did an exhilarating performance along with Kubra Khan, was also noted for his classic outfit.
This is a fun and easy way to meet single women and woo them with your amazing acting skills.
Amazing actors, amazing acting, amazing writing..
Amazing acting, and increasingly intriguing plot.
Amazing acting.
Robin Williams is an amazing actor and although he may no longer be with us, he has a few finished movies left that will give fans their last chance to witness his amazing acting abilities.
I swear, Miles Teller has some amazing acting ability that gets lost when he does shitty movies like Project X and 21 & Over.
There's s lot of great cinematography, and amazing acting.
With some amazing acting and an exotic Mongolian story it's of the top 5 family movies of the year.
A very powerful film which is only achieved by the amazing acting of the main cast - Helena and Carey are stunning.
In an amazing interview with Academy Award winning actor, Denzel Washington, Washington reveals his experiences in Hollywood, race in the movie industry, and provides some amazing acting tips for aspiring actors.
Video games aren't known for their amazing acting.
We know that he is also going to surprise us with his amazing acting skill in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War.
Chadwick Boseman always mesmerizes his fans by showing his amazing acting skills and charismatic acting ability which basically turns the movies Hype in an extreme way.
Completely engrossing, not as patriotic as I feared and amazing acting.
Chris always mesmerizes his fans by showing his amazing acting...
The acting of Bryan Cranston (very well known for his amazing acting chops on TV), Juliette Binoche and and David Strathairn were much appreciated and brought some cred to the film.
What I did appreciate was Margot Robbie's amazing acting in this film because we've seen her in so many different types of films that were nowhere near this.
And there's some amazing acting here, from well - known performers like Plemons, Milioti, Andrea Riseborough, Rosemary Dewitt, Billy Magnussen, Jo Wheatley, and Aldis Hodge.
We have seen him in all the Avengers movies and we know that he will also go to surprise us with his amazing acting skill in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War.
Here's some amazing acting advice from actress Rosamund Pike.
Tons of plot holes, amazing acting, cornball special effects, you name it, Knight Rider has it.
A quick - thinking MTA worker yelled for them to lie in the trench between the rails, and the imperiled pair survived being run over by an A train.â $ ¨ â $ ¨ In the days that followed, word spread like wildfire about this amazing act of loyalty.
An amazing act of kindness.
To commit to being a foster family is an amazing act of love and selflessness that undeniably aids countless animals in need.
Wow Mr McCarthy What an amazing act of kindness!
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