Sentences with phrase «amazing colleagues»

Thanks to the families I am so lucky to serve and to my community of amazing colleagues.
Job details include: Individual, couple and family therapy, co-facilitating DBT skills groups, stay up - to - date on HIPAA & confidential laws and regulations, keep current and compliant notes in our provided EHR, connecting with the community and having fun with amazing colleagues!!
I was surrounded by amazing colleagues in my program that contributed greatly to my learning and am humbled to have been selected for this award.
As a special educator in Georgia, I had amazing colleagues at my school — veterans and masters of their craft that shook up my perception of teaching and helped me understand that teaching math is just teaching kids how to think.
«I also am lucky to have worked with amazing colleagues and am thankful that LLNL gave me the opportunities to realize accomplishments that would not have otherwise been possible.»
I think of my colleagues who have generously pushed, counseled, and advised me; I've been incredibly lucky to have a continuous stream of amazing colleagues.
With the help of my supportive husband and amazing colleague (whose wife had also been hit hard by PPD), I was able to close down my trading positions so I could focus on staying home and feeling better.
Amaze your colleagues with finely crafted phrases of educational nonsense!
(And my amazing colleagues never say otherwise because they don't want to hurt my feelings.)
You're blessed with amazing colleagues.
Bruzzone, then, organized, in the same place, a pic - nic with all the amazing colleagues and friends he met in Vilnius.
I am constantly inspired by my amazing colleagues who bring so much creativity and energy to the table.
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