Sentences with phrase «amazing compliment»

J.P actually said they taste better than the Hail Merry Macaroons which is the most amazing compliment.
J.P actually said they taste better than the Hail Merry Macaroons which is the most amazing compliment.
that is an amazing compliment brad, thank you.
Oh girl, that is an amazing compliment but I honestly don't think I could EVER surpass your genius in the kitchen!!
I've found that the bitterness of the cacoa nibs is an amazing compliment to the subtle sweetness of the granola coating and it gives such a depth of flavour.
This is probably the best carrot soup I have ever had — it is super flavorful and the nuttiness of the pistachios is an amazing compliment to the sweetness of the carrots.
It looks absolutely fantastic, such an amazing compliment for so many desserts.
«For a man like Roberto Martinez to take time out of his schedule weeks before the World Cup to respond to Charlie, it's just an amazing compliment to him.
First of all, thank you for all of the amazing compliments!
This stuff is incredibly tasty, and an amazing compliment to my goal of eliminating unhealthy fats and oils from my diet.
What an amazing compliment!
Thank you for the amazing compliments, I always appreciate you stopping by!
-LCB- side note — found out this week that we're not pregnant, still, and all your amazing compliments were a really wonderful pick me up that I needed desperately. -RCB-
Get ready for some amazing compliments coming your way.
It's easily become a favorite with its versatility and amazing compliment to virtually any look.
Oh yay, i love carrie bradshaws hair shirt, it looked so so good, so thank you for that amazing compliment!
I wanted to share with you an amazing compliment I received from her.
Well, what an amazing compliment they had you make the pilot in the first place.
What an amazing compliment!!!
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