Sentences with phrase «amazing potential»

As investors, we've helped dozens of founders build great businesses with amazing potential.
As far as futuristic gadgets go, it's got amazing potential, because who wouldn't love to turn off everything in their house by rotating a gadget like this?
Still, you will inevitably be left with a pool of what seem to be amazing potential employees.
I helped many giants to realise their truly amazing potential, despite their very strong conviction about poor luck in genetics lottery.
From a business perspective we'd be getting a striker with amazing potential and an on the brink of world - class player.
then i realized it's amazing potential of capturing those crazy moments you always talk about with your friends, those «man you shoulda seen it» moments can now be captured so damn easily and they can actually see it now!
Meet Mazy, an energetic, athletic, high drive and fun - loving girl with amazing potential for agility, barn hunt, scent work, or any fun sport.
But MatchBook does have amazing potential as a marketing tool.
That Virtual Boy was a pretty bad black eye, but it's hard to turn down such amazing potential for Nintendo's franchises.
GcMAF immunotherapy has shown amazing potential to treat a variety of chronic diseases as well as cancer and autism.
«I've always been the guy with amazing potential who couldn't quite pull it together.
Istockphoto «Here we go again, another miracle supplement courtesy of 60 Minutes,» I thought to myself after I watched the newsmagazines recent report about resveratrol (a compound found in red wine) and its seemingly amazing potential to slow the aging process.
Make sure that the pictures you show have the ability to amaze those potential visitors who will see you.
Though, many Smartwatch has failed to amaze the potential users worldwide, the Apple Watch has garnered great attention despite of its higher pricing model.
I think we are all made in the image of the Creator, with amazing potential for creativity.
We get so few games using a theme like this, with perhaps Payday 2 being the closest in recent memory, albeit without letting people play as the police force, that to see a game like Hardline with such a huge budget behind it waste such amazing potential is almost physically painful.
He's got amazing potential,» Kane told ESPN FC at a Lucozade sport event yesterday.
But along the way, this geneticist and neurobiologist has been recruited to lead an innovative research organization with amazing potential.
When we bring all of these resources together to push each other forward and challenge each other at a very high level there is amazing potential.
All these numbers show us that the region is on the right track and still has an amazing potential to excel and blossom in mobile technology in the near future.
And if she had an LGBT relative, would she still think they were «created special, with awesome purpose and amazing potential
While theists can learn by listening to atheists more, atheists themselves can foster greater understanding by not just emphasizing the «no» of atheism — our disagreement over the existence of any gods — but also the «yes» of atheism and secular humanism, which recognizes the amazing potential within human beings.
Every child is created special, with awesome purpose and amazing potential.
Chris, I think that you're spot - on when you write that,»... atheists themselves can foster greater understanding by not just emphasizing the «no» of atheism — our disagreement over the existence of any gods — but also the «yes» of atheism and secular humanism, which recognizes the amazing potential within human beings.»
I love the bit about «Every child is created special, with awesome purpose and amazing potential.
Their amazing potential, and the abilities that Xavi mentioned, have meant that both are continually linked with big clubs.
If Akpom can mature then we could have a great player on our hands, if not then we have another Bendtner, amazing potential but terrible attitude.
This team has amazing potential but I fear we will see none of the fast attacking incisive football that Liverpool for instance are playing, more sideways / back passing and slowing the game to monotony is on the cards!
There was the amazing potential of this current Celtics roster, as a team — from ownership, to the front office, to a talented roster with Isaiah, and Al, and everyone else.
The physis has amazing potential to turn us into mature adults, but also can be a source of pain and frustration for many athletes.
Haokip is one of the only two players to score a hat - trick in the Indian Super League and would look to fulfill his amazing potential with the player held in high regard by the coaches at North - East United.
In doing so he followed in the footsteps of Lionel Messi, Paul Pogba and Aguero, and Chelsea must be kicking themselves for letting him slip through their fingers as he has amazing potential.
Healthy Beginnings is designed to help caregivers tap the amazing potential for learning and growth that all young children have.
This has an amazing potential to transform the educations of so many kids,» Mr. Stringer said.
This approach has amazing potential to positively affect the human condition by giving people interventions and treatments that yield more years of healthy, productive life.
This drastically changed when I was exposed to the amazing potential that large - scale data analysis provides for helping us to understand the natural world.
«This is a striking discovery that has amazing potential for research and breakthroughs in Alzheimer's, aging, and brain health science and medicine.»
The amazing potential benefits that the bacteria in our intestine include:
I think this is a negative because when you're so extreme, you block out amazing potential and opportunity.
Your workouts and competitions have amazing potential, but you tired quickly or your body gives into fatigue and weakness.
As uncomplicated as responding to females on the internet may be, you even now want understand which you are undertaking and how to experience females on the internet that it is simple to truly have a amazing potential for biochemistry or interface using.
«Swiss Army Man and Hunt for the Wilderpeople are two of the most wildly original movies we've seen that have amazing potential for creative sound and music — we think they will certainly be the talk of the Sundance Film Festival this year,» said Glenn Kiser, Director, Dolby Institute, Dolby Laboratories.
Think of the beginning of each school year as filled with amazing potential, and know you don't have to get everything perfect on the first day or in the first weeks.
Mycro never gave up on her and I thank each one of their staff, teachers, & administration, for seeing Anissa's amazing potential, especially when she refused to see it herself.
But even then, disregarding the naysayers, I could see the amazing potential and visualized that one day it would, in fact, not only compete with but eventually replace what we now define as «real» publishing.
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