Sentences with phrase «amazing precision»

The scientists have logged their first breakthrough: They succeeded in demonstrating that brain - controlled flight is indeed possible — with amazing precision.
With the unique Focus feature, you can read the green or control the ball's spin in flight to achieve amazing precision!
It makes the game's world come alive with immersive sound providing amazing precision and realism.
The brushes give amazing precision and they're not tricky to handle even though they're small - the pointy one is a godsend because I like to get a really defined shape.
Researchers have found that, in at least one firm, traders synchronize their buying and selling behavior with amazing precision.
The four selections showcase the amazing precision and athleticism of the dancers.
Thanks to the amazing precision possible with the network of radio telescopes, the scientists were able to search for signs of motion in the jet, despite its huge distance.
Hormones work with such an amazing precision and balance in your body, with such a complex interplay, that the best Western medicine can do to balance them is still a very crude offering in comparison with what your body is capable of when it is in a healthy state.
The 7 - speed gearbox is fast and positive once you're up and running but it doesn't have the amazing precision of the fastest dual - clutch systems and at low speeds it's still a bit clunky.
With the Logitech's CRAFT lasting a week without charging, offering consumers a well crafted keyboard, that gives you amazing precision — this elegant Bluetooth keyboard is a must have addition to your Smart Home.
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