Sentences with phrase «amazing singer»

The Patti LaBelle Sweet Potato Pies that are being sold exclusively at Walmart stores have been available since September of 2015 but only began flying off the shelves once James Wright Chanel — a Patti LaBelle fan and amazing singer in his own right — posted an over-the-top homage to Patti and her pies.
One of many amazing Singer sewing machine models, the 7469Q features an easy jam - resistant bobbin system and automatic needle threader.
African American teen and amazing singer Vanessa finds inspiration in Vanessa Williams» 1983 Miss America win and reluctantly enters her school's beauty pageant at the behest of a passionate music teacher.
When: 7 - 11 pm Featuring a very special half - hour performance at 9:30 pm by Caelum Music Production's amazing singer Cáthia, the «little girl with the big voice» who sang her way to prominence on season four of NBC's «The Voice».
The girl is not just an amazing singer but also a diva and inspiration for all those who love fashion.
Both super divas, amazing singers, star of stage and screen... Sophie's choice.
The amazing singer Taylor Swift looking spectacular as she heads out for a walk with her cat in fall.
She's an amazing singer.
My husband is a software engineer, but is also an amazing singer and songwriter....
He puts on a great show, is an amazing singer, and is hilarious!
Jono and I both love music, and The Carolina Opry has amazing singers and musicians.
That being said this album is slightly conformist and has lots of generic pop moments like the obvious grimes influence (nothing against grims but Janelle does nt have the right voice for it I do nt think even though she is an amazing singer) and also this kind of Cardi B like django jane song.
She's such an amazing singer and dancer and that was so great, was that written into the script for her?
This little town has traditionally been the secret getaway and holiday place for the rich and famous, the most recent visitors (that we have seen) have included Ed Sheeran, Zara Phillips (The English Queen's granddaughter) Adele the amazing singer currently taking the music world by storm and Florence (from Florence and the Machine).
«Ronnie James Dio is an amazing singer and truly one of the great figures of metal.
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