Sentences with phrase «amazing tool»

Mobile technology and the internet are amazing tools for teaching and learning.
The result was dozens of amazing tools and resources that help make it so much easier to build and grow your author career.
Computer technology brings many amazing tools and the knowledge to use them, for the world of writers this has made a huge impact.
The Internet is one of the most amazing tools of our time; it's also one of the biggest sources of misinformation.
From what am reading here, it sounds like a very amazing tool.
They can be amazing tools for your professional life as well.
There are many amazing tools to make it easier, and this one is my favorite.
It is the most amazing tool to get us back in line with who we are and who we want to be.
Brag books (aka kudos folders, success files, professional portfolios, etc.) are fairly well - known in sales rep circles, but they are such amazing tools for job interviews that if you don't have one, you are missing out.
Twitter and Instagram have been such amazing tools in connecting with people.
Hey Dave, you have amazing tools on your website, not just that one.
Meditation and mindfulness for kids can be amazing tools when dealing with all those big emotions they have.
G Suite for Education not only facilitates creative and collaborative learning opportunities for your students but also provides amazing tools for curating and publishing student work.
«It's a really, really amazing tool for narrowing down time frames,» Farfour says.
I've written about this before, so I won't go into too many details, but there are amazing tools out there to help you manage all of this so you don't want to stab yourself in the eye with a hot poker!
Social media is being used by even the less tech - savvy on a regular basis, and rightfully so — social networks can function as amazing tools for communication of ideas and new learnings.
Sign up for Couples Counseling at a Hold Me Tight Workshop EFT Workshops are two - day events that give you and your partner more amazing tools to stop negative relational patterns and instead move forward to where you both want to be.
The Washington Post turns out to have some frankly amazing tools for zeroing in your message on particular categories of readers.
The variety of loading options makes the Yoak ™ amazing tool for whole body strength and stability.
Understanding the world around you is what education addresses and now learner analytics and reports are amazing tools which quickly and effortlessly educates the educators.
We may expect to see several new Hyperledger projects, providing new types of ledgers, new versions of existing ones and specially amazing tools to work with.
The TYPO3 project offers a range of amazing tools.
We are really fortunate to be in touch with Berkeley Lab scientists whose expertise in visualization, maps and working with big data exploration helped us build such amazing tools,» says Brown.
Many brokers, owners and big brands provide amazing tools for their agents, yet those same agents go to conventions and classes where a better mouse trap is presented, and they purchase the next shiny object, but never implement it.
Our list of Crossfit products is quite extensive because there really are so many amazing tools that can be used and we make sure to carry every item that our customers will find useful.
Facebook Events are amazing tools for packing the house at your event because you can automatically invite your Facebook Friends.
Memrise, if you're not already familiar with it, is an amazing tool to help people learn anything from science facts to a foreign language more quickly using fun associations to make new words or ideas stick (I've used it personally and absolutely endorse it for memorizing new vocabulary especially).
That's the way I think you should do it because you don't want to depend on any one thing, but you can take advantage of these amazing tools like Instagram to help you grow as it makes sense.
This is an amazing tool if you are looking to monitor your reputation, or even a specific social campaign.
The logical mind is an amazing tool but it isn't the only one.
Social networking sites are amazing tools to research key people and news in your industry.
I just told you how you can use emails for social promotion, but they're also an amazing tool for driving traffic through a newsletter.
It's also an amazing tool to create interesting and engaging statistical graphics about the global Facebook audience or your specific page's demographic information.
Dividends are truly an amazing tool.
Thanks for sharing these amazing tools, the article was short and efficient and very well organised!
But, instead, I know that our marriage is much stronger than it was before, and we have been given some amazing tools to guide us.
I think the bible is an amazing tool, but I'm not so sure that all of it's accounts are true just because you want them to be.
My question is how can we use this amazing tool?
A photographer friend of mine also introduced me to Light Room and Photoshop elements, which are both amazing tools.
Instead, it's been an amazing tool to guide myself back into a good place and has taken years of hard work and a lot of struggle to get there.
Very PINteresting -LCB- desserts -RCB- I don't know about you but pinterest has been such an amazing tool for me!
I would use this amazing tool for so many recipes!
Soup is an amazing tool to use in your healthy diet arsenal.

Phrases with «amazing tool»

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