Sentences with phrase «ambiguous forms»

Plot is once again mercifully undemanding as The Family — a ragtag crew we've come to embrace in Dom, Brian, Letty, Roman, Tej and Hobbs — joins forces with an even more ambiguous form of government (imagine a time where Dwayne Johnson's Hobbs is second to the Person You'd Never Want to Double - Cross, and that's where we exist now) to track down an elusive international terrorist named Mose Jakande (Djimon Hounsou).
In the same room, with her new series of sculptures, Not the last (RSM) # 1 - 7, Howard has taken packs of kitsch plastic flowers, the type you might find at a makeshift memorial, to reflect on everyday suffering with even more ambiguous forms.
The color palette and continuous metamorphosis of paint into ambiguous forms recalls Philip Guston's late paintings, which had a parallel evolution.
Regulation apparently leads to further problems for Brits in myriad ambiguous forms and offers little in return.
In Rose Rock, 1972, a thick field of ambiguous forms feels culled from an estuary of dreams: Fingers on a clasped hand are coffee beans; sea anemones are a network of intestines; a jacket lapel is just a jagged line.
The racks have been encased in Magic - Sculpt and kitty litter, confusing the already ambiguous form of the shelf — at once decidedly overdetermined and utterly abstract.
Although it appears like a spineless sea creature or some other ambiguous form, Phytuziann refers to blankets used by the illegal street vendors of Brazil to quickly conceal their wares from the police.
The imaginary worlds with fragments of nature and culture, monuments and experience, islands and explosions are made new and take on hybrid and ambiguous forms allowing stories to seep out for the viewers» own interpretation.
Her personality glows from behind her artwork, the expressionless creatures that toy with the crudeness of texture and the ability of humans to see themselves in the most ambiguous forms.
Illuminated by a single spotlight, the elevated texts of Visual Perception in Typography cast ambiguous forms across gallery walls.
No matter the media, Rehberger works with geometry, composing his physical worlds from brightly colored ambiguous forms.
Forking, like a road, in two equal directions, it is a diagram of the decision pregnant in its own ambiguous form: body or spirit?
By making use of the stolen bank details, the regime then moved money out of online wallets into untraceable sources as the bitcoins got converted into ambiguous forms.
His later works would explore and refine the expressive lines and ambiguous forms of Rico Lebrun.
These clouded windows of ambiguous form, pattern, and texture are like vibrated, vibrant drawings, plied with multiple mediums.
A shedding space where defined personas, highly regulated by the brilliant contrast of daylight and its custodians, give way to concealed and ambiguous forms.
Revolving around the psychological influences of kitsch and cliché, his sculptural installations are immersive environments of ambiguous forms.
They insist on her ambiguous forms wrested out of male control, materials unfamiliar to sculpture like resin and polyurethane, imagery like lamps and lips at a time of Pop Art, and softer wrinkles in the years before her death.
Mir's paintings present a world populated by mythic figures, creatures, machines, and fragments of ambiguous forms that are at odds with their surroundings.
In Jo Addison's sculptures resolute, yet ambiguous forms are navigated around language and singular interpretation.
Numerous other projects were done in recent years as well, some larger in scale than others, but all extremely effective and narratively sharp despite the ambiguous form.
The body is often depicted in the state of becoming else, with shapes, light, and shadow taking on ambiguous forms.
Occasionally incorporating fragments of plastic or wood, Thornton populates his paintings on panel with a mix of ambiguous forms, frenetic drawing, and cartoonish objects, all suspended within a purposefully indeterminate pictorial space.
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