Sentences with phrase «ambiguous status»

The lawsuit has highlighted the ambiguous status workers in the on - demand economy hold and the legal grey area in which startups that rely on «the gig economy» operate.
While Lincoln, like Madison, understand the political significance of reverence for our founders he also understood the hostility to tradition inherent in modernity's iconoclastic premises, not to mention the ambiguous status of tradition in a nation forged from revolution and an extraordinary measure of political philosophy.
One obvious puzzle about presentational immediacy has to do with the ambiguous status of the sense - data.
In Othello Shakespeare develops the ambiguous status of the dark - skinned African in Renaissance European society.
«However, such objects as starfish, bacteria, etc. have an ambiguous status with respect to the class of animals.»
I can hear myself quoting Jacques Derrida on the ambiguous status of the picture frame between the work and the world.
In contrast to previous series, for example, Herrera has employed a third color plane into individual works for the first time since the 1950s, although this manifests itself as areas of raw canvas, adding surface texture and suggesting a neutrality or ambiguous status to this intruder.
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