Sentences with phrase «ambitious challenge»

They had done up their previous cottage themselves and the husband was itching for a more ambitious challenge.
This is probably the most ambitious challenge we've ever done.
Building a quantum computer has been called the «space race of the 21st century» — a difficult and ambitious challenge with the potential to deliver revolutionary tools for tackling otherwise impossible calculations, with a plethora of useful applications in healthcare, defence, finance, chemistry and materials development, software debugging, aerospace and transport.
He has turned his simplifying eye toward two deep, tangled and very ambitious challenges: He wants to understand how the brain works.
This concept presented a pretty ambitious challenge for developer Dimps.
The comedy Blockers, which is not written, produced, or directed by Apatow but feels descended from some of his work, sets for itself a more ambitious challenge, daring itself to give each member of its ensemble a coming - of - age arc, and to pull off two different high - concept comedies at once in the process.
It's certainly an ambitious challenge, but it is also one that's achievable.
David Cameron today set his party the ambitious challenge of transforming Britain into the most child - friendly country in the world if elected.
His follow - up to his Sundance Grand Prize - winning breakthrough film Forty Shades of Blue is an ambitious challenge: a 1940s melodrama of adultery and murder played as wry comedy of manners and directed in a naturalistic style with a modern sensibility.
A Quiet Place lives up to the ambitious challenge that it sets for itself, taking audiences on a compelling and suspenseful journey along the way.
If we can meet the ambitious challenge to ensure children have this deeper understanding, more not fewer will pass.
To go 834 miles, then, is an ambitious challenge.
In 2013 Bluefire undertook an ambitious challenge to develop core ereader technologies to render the EPUB3 format and as part of that initiative the company partnered with the IDPF and others to launch the open source project Readium SDK for the parsing and rendering of EPUB3 content on all platforms and devices.
Even with rapidly decreasing battery costs, ramping production of EVs to 20 million by 2020 — the level required to remain on track for climate goals — remains an ambitious challenge.
Meanwhile, the low - hanging fruit of Windows Phone's refinements is almost all picked, and Microsoft has moved on to more ambitious challenges.
However, I'm determined to create a more beautiful, organized home, and what better way than with an ambitious challenge?!
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