Sentences with phrase «amicable way»

The phrase "amicable way" refers to resolving a disagreement or conflict in a friendly and peaceful manner, without any hostility or aggression. Full definition
At the start of the media storm, Schutz promised not to sell the work, thereby removing it from the market in a more amicable way than expunging it from existence.
In that case, the best thing you can do is to try to wrap your head around what's happening and focus on getting through your divorce in the best, most amicable way possible.
Couples may seek counseling to resolve relationship issues, gain insight into the dynamics of their relationship, strengthen their emotional bonds, or find amicable ways to bring their relationship to an end.
But sometimes the couple benefits most by having a neutral, empathic environment in which to figure out that what they really want to do is break up, in the most amicable way possible.
However, there are usually amicable ways of sorting out differences.
This model may be the best since it is the best of both worlds; the clients are moving forward in as amicable a way as possible, and their «conflicting interests» (if any) are being carefully monitored by their respective attorneys.
«This is something we've been working with Tolga on in a very amicable way in recent weeks,» he said on Wednesday.
Mediation is a divorce solution that is usually successful for couples who want to end their marriage in the most amicable way available, avoiding litigation and courtroom appearances.
In general, family mediation is often the most affordable process for a couple that is separating or divorcing in a reasonably amicable way.
A tribunal offers an innovative alternative to settling a dispute in a faster, more amicable way
But in the states that offer dissolution as the most amicable way to end a marriage, a divorcing couple must agree on all the issues resulting from their separation before they file a petition with the court.
ROBYN D. WEISMAN, ESQ., is committed to helping couples through their separation and divorce in the most healthy and amicable way possible including helping parents recognize and avoid the negative emotional effect a divorce may have on children.
We hope the Ozils find an amicable way of ending the tussle to help Mesut focus more on the one thing he loves, football.
It gives parents instant access to questions around helping their children process the separation (at different ages) and troubleshoots a number of common situations that come up for couples making this transition, in an amicable way or not.
We would need someone who believed in leaving who could go to France and Germany and sort it out in an amicable way
Of course, not everyone has a written agreement, or the written agreement is deficient, which won't be of much help in finding an amicable way out.
There may be amicable ways to deal with that situation, but push could come to shove, in which case the written form of the document is generally taken to be the most important piece of evidence (though not always the only admissible evidence, unless you're in Colorado, Florida or Wisconsin).
We are training professionals, educating the public, and most importantly, helping Veteran families go through the divorce process in an amicable way!
Instead of litigation, you and your spouse might consider mediation as a more affordable, quick, and amicable way to end your divorce.
More Tampa Bay families are finding that they don't want to attack, and they don't want to be attacked, but they simply want to dissolve their marriage in an amicable way.
Remember, the interviewer is not looking for loyalty and camaraderie as much as he or she is looking for a person who is responsible for getting a particular assignment done in a good and amicable way.
The last paragraph ends the letter in a polite and amicable way, wishing the school success in the future and hoping to work together in another capacity in the future.
I am part of the Collaborative Divorce Community in Northern Virginia where I team up with attorneys and financial experts to help people find a more amicable way to divorce with more mental health support for the whole family.»
More Tampa Bay families are finding that they don't want to attack, and they don't want to be attacked, but they simply want to dissolve their marriage in an amicable way.
But we all know that the concept of perfection is far from attainable, and so we must try our best to approach this tender situation in an amicable way once disagreement occurs.
Ms. Smith also serves as a mediator to help couples resolve their family law matter in a respectful and amicable way in the private setting in her office.
At this point, you and your spouse have both decided that divorce is imminent, and you are prepared to continue on in an amicable way.
However, if there are aspects of the marital settlement that you disagree on, then a divorce mediator might be able to help you and your spouse sort through that agreement in an amicable way.
Even with the addition of an attorney scribe and / or review, mediation is still the least costly, less time consuming and most amicable way to obtain a divorce or separation.
Her goal is to assist clients with reaching satisfactory resolution of their family law matter in a respectful and amicable way.
There is also a common misconception that you can divorce someone on the basis of «irreconcilable differences», which again would be a more amicable way to divorce your spouse, however that fact does not exist here.
Mediation can be a considerably more cost effective and amicable way to engage in problem solving with an ex-spouse.
When I see that each person is willing to be open to the possibility of repairing the damage and making the changes necessary to move forward in a more amicable way, I feel very satisfied and hopeful.
We are training professionals, educating the public, and most importantly, helping Veteran families go through the divorce process in an amicable way!
Why do people think that it is possible that two people who disliked each other and could not get along when they were married would be able to work through a divorce in an amicable way??
I wanted an attorney who could help us work out the details of our settlement agreement in an amicable way.
Then, we listen to your concerns to find an amicable way to secure your needs.
Believe it or not, it IS possible for many people to work through divorce in an amicable way.
Mediation is a more amicable way to divorce and may be right for your family, but it does require effort and patience from both spouses.
Mediation can be an amicable way to divorce if both spouses are respectful of the process.
Consult with a mediator to discuss your options for dividing your property in your divorce in an amicable way.
With the assistance of a skilled divorce mediator, you and your spouse can work out an agreement on all your divorce financials in an efficient and amicable way.
For more than 15 years, divorce mediator Polly A. Tatum has used alternative dispute resolution to help divorced couples and couples getting divorce resolve complex issues in an amicable way.
Mediation can be an empowering and amicable way to get divorced in Massachusetts.
Here are some tips on how to deal with summer vacations and child custody agreements in an amicable way:
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