Sentences with phrase «amid high debt»

Debt settlement offers relief to consumers struggling to make ends meet amid high debt.

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China may witness its first local government bond defaults, although the timing was uncertain, Fitch Ratings said in a press release issued on Sunday, amid persistent concerns over high debt levels in the world second largest economy.
Higher education will be front and center in 2017, as Congress turns to the overdue reauthorization of the Higher Education Act amid elevated public concern about rising college prices and student debt.
We decided to take a look at student debt among teachers specifically, because we see it as a crossroads of several big trends: chronic concerns over teacher pay amid calls to improve teacher quality; the rising cost of higher ed; the increasing reliance on loans to pay for it; and changing policies from the Trump administration.
After the bull market kicked off six years ago, as investors searched for yield amid low interest rates, they increasingly turned toward fixed income credit sectors, such as high yield, investment grade and emerging market debt.
As policymakers begin work on a major overhaul to the federal tax code, which could include eliminating or changing the deduction, and amid widespread concern about rising student debt levels, leaders should bear in mind that altering the provision would have implications for higher education and tax policy across levels of government.
If you are struggling amid a large pile of debt, plan to pay as high above the minimum payment every month as possible.
For a full - fledged crisis in US corporates, we need the current high issuance of corporates to mature for 2 - 3 years, such that the cash is gone, but the debts remain, which will be hard amid high profit margins.
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