Sentences with phrase «among liberal elites»

They have a following among a liberal elite, but their churches have emptied fastest of all.

Not exact matches

As for economic equality, that is an issue that appears to generate more concern among the party's liberal intellectual elite than among its rank - and - file.
Liberals inclined to minimize the significance of a leftward inclination among the media elite might test themselves on the point by asking how they would react if the situation were reversed — if, in fact, the world taken for granted by the nation's leading reporters and news executives tilted to the right rather than the left.
In these days of rampant atheism and relativism among critical elites in Western societies, of genteel nihilism and «liberal irony» a la Richard Rorty, it is not difficult to see that both Judaism and Christianity are being slated for disappearance by a number of our most «advanced» thinkers.
So one possibility is that nothing much will change by way of thinking, scholarly agenda, methodology, or jurisprudence among the legal liberal mainstream, elite or otherwise, although naturally some of the current issues will change.
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