Sentences with phrase «among nerve cells»

This is a chemical that transmits messages among nerve cells.
Emerging nanoscale implants will play an important role in understanding communication among nerve cells in the brain, while other researchers hope to use the same technology to probe chemical signaling in microbial communities.
New techniques combining various staining methods with electron and light microscopy make it possible to investigate in detail the connections among nerve cells and the circuitry of the brain
During sleep, the brain weakens the connections among nerve cells, apparently conserving energy and, paradoxically, aiding memory
WNV infection turns serious when the virus crosses the blood - brain - barrier and wreaks havoc among nerve cells in the brain.
All that matters for consciousness is the functional relation among the nerve cells that make up the corticothalamic complex.
The same information can be represented as lines on paper, as electrical charges inside a PC's memory banks or as the strength of the synaptic connections among nerve cells.

Not exact matches

Among these was the protein VGLUT1, which is essential for signal transduction in specific nerve cells.
By comparing the numbers of nerve cells, or neurons, among eight species of carnivores (ferret, banded mongoose, raccoon, cat, dog, hyena, lion and brown bear), researchers now have a better understanding of how different - sized brains are built.
Comparing brain size and number of nerve cells in the cerebral cortex among several animal species revealed some surprises.
Nerve cells in the brain, or neurons, are known to communicate among themselves by transmitting electrical signals, aided by chemical signaling at the synapses connecting the neurons.
The first order of business for new nerve cells is finding where, among the 100 billion neurons of the nervous system, their partners are waiting.
Vitamin B12 helps red blood cells and nerves work properly, among other functions.
But when you analyze your brain, you will find inside it a set of nerve cells that form a large complex: one that can distinguish among a large repertoire of states in a way that its parts can not; and one that does so maximally, more than any other set of nerve cells, more than the entire body, than any crowd of men, than the world itself.»
The new study by researchers at The Neuro shifts the focus to the loss or degeneration of axons, the nerve - cell «branches» that receive and distribute neurochemical signals among neurons.
Shatz's lab was among the first to demonstrate that early spontaneous neural activity promotes the organization of billions of nerve cells within animal and human brains.
Among many other important biological and immunological functions, Growth Factors cause the growth of new blood vessels, connective and nerve tissues by the activation of Stem Cells that are normally found in all parts of the human body.
We do know that acupuncture leads to the release of endorphins, and that acupuncture points are different in regards to their concentration of nerve endings, mast cells and have a reduced electrical resistance among other things.
Effects on Brain Development from Terbutaline, Pesticides Both chemicals independently caused brain injuries not seen in the control rats, including the loss of brain cells and the nerve cell projections critical to communication among neurons; and the effects persisted into adulthood.
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