Sentences with phrase «among other atrocities»

Because, encase you haven't noticed, there a lot of times when «some» (not all) muslims, the ones who are radicalized extremists like to stone people to death and behead others, among other atrocities.
Disgusting holiday that celebrates men holding defenseless Jewish children and men down and forcibly mutilating their genitalia, among other atrocities.

Not exact matches

Since no one of these groups monopolized atrocity, arresting a commander from only one of them is bound to foment resentment and anger among the others.
Up and down its narrow valleys and across its great plain went the pomp and panoply of the ancient world, and its more commonplace traffic as well: rich argosies from far Babylon, carrying the wares down to Egypt; royal messengers of the great kings who ruled in Persepolis, bearing decrees for the officer in charge at the frontier station of Assouan; plenipotentiaries of Hatti and of Egypt, seeking a modus vivendi in the political stresses of the thirteenth century; conquerors with their chariots and footmen and their tale of atrocities behind and yet before; wandering bands of foot - loose adventurers, seeking a good land where they might strike roots into the soil - all these and hosts of others were led among the Palestinian hills where went the great trunk roads of the ancient world, camped in the plains, bartered in the little cities, or stayed to lay permanent claim to some hit of the land.
A vivid case in point is the impact that Bull Conner's attacks on the civil rights marchers, and the Ku Klux Klan's murder of four African - American girls in the bombing of a church — among many other such atrocities — had on the unfolding of events, including the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
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