Sentences with phrase «among other functions»

A large number of dogs with diabetes acquired the condition because they had chronic pancreatitis, which affects the pancreas, the organ that produces insulin among other functions.
It will be doing its best, it says, to produce timely information for reporters and update the public among other functions.
Unless you are directly looking at your phone screen, it is quite impossible to unlock it to change a song, skip one track or increase / decrease volume among other functions.
Rigel's kinase inhibitor, called fostamatinib, targets spleen tyrosine kinase, which among other functions enables the formation of the large immune - cell complexes found in autoimmune diseases.
The capability of firing action potentials, among other functions of mature neurons, has to be acquired during development and neuronal maturation.
This was not a surprising finding because among other functions, this region processes fear and anxiety, affective states often affected by autism.
It relaxes your body by reducing heart rate, dropping blood pressure and breathing better among other functions.
The thyroid gland sits in the space just above the breast bone and is responsible for our metabolism among other functions.
Among other functions, Card Case allows users to receive and store digital receipts and to locate Square - compatible merchants.
Inspiring leaders use less metabolic energy in the right temporal lobe and cingulate gyrus, which are associated with creativity and speech, among other functions.
A study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that individuals who consume a calorie - restricted diet had lower levels of T3 thyroid hormone, which Healthline lists as a «hormone that helps maintain body temperature, among other functions
She'd undergone a decade - long apprenticeship at Linamar, the auto - parts manufacturing company Frank founded in Guelph, Ont., in the 1960s, starting as a lathe operator and moving through accounting, quality control and factory management, among other functions.
Among other functions, it is part of the brain's reflexive -LSB-...]
Among other functions, it is part of the brain's reflexive system and it is good at quickly generating emotions like fear and anger when we're presented with new, out of place, or scary stimuli.
Contrast Gogarten's understanding of metaphysics with that of Charles Hartshorne who thinks of metaphysics as a «descriptive science» which, among other functions, aids one's understanding of his participation in the love of God.
But cholesterol is actually an important component of our cell membranes and influences hormone biology, among other functions.
During your time in Texas in the mid-1980s, you made one of your first big discoveries with positron emission tomography, which uses radioactive markers to monitor blood flow, among other functions.
Substance P is a neuropeptide that contributes to wound healing, among other functions.
Among its other functions, SIRT6 is known to control how cells process glucose, and a 2012 study by Mostoslavsky's team found that its ability to suppress colorectal cancer involves control of a process called glycolysis.
Veterans who experienced the most pain and highest heart rates after exercising also had smaller brain stems and cerebellums — regions that regulate heart rate and shortness of breath, among other functions — compared with those of the healthy volunteers.
Among other functions, the fibers help cells migrate from one part of a...
Vitamin B12 helps red blood cells and nerves work properly, among other functions.
The human gut is loaded with commensal bacteria — «good» microbes that, among other functions, help the body digest food.
In a paper published in the journal Cell, North Carolina State University researchers show how plants handle — at the molecular level — the release of ethylene, an important gaseous stress hormone that, among other functions, regulates plant growth and stimulates the fruit ripening process.
However, one brain region that wasn't present was the cerebellum, the part of the brain that handles motor skills and language, among other functions.
Protein synthesis in the extensions of nerve cells, called dendrites, underlies long - term memory formation in the brain, among other functions.
Among other functions, dopamine helps drive reward activity and social behaviors.
Commensal, non-pathogenic bacteria that live on the skin provide an important service to their host, blocking pathogenic microbes from gaining a foothold, among other functions.
Light travels a direct pathway through the eye's retina and regulates the hormone melatonin, which controls the sleep - wake cycle, among other functions.
NF - κB is transcription factor that, among other functions, turns on genes involved in inflammation and immune response, and can be activated in the presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Among other functions, serotonin is responsible in part for regulating mood and emotions.
Among other functions, vitamin C aids collagen synthesis.
Among its other functions, protein protects bone health which may in part be due to its effects on muscle mass.
Among other functions, DHEA is a precursor to testosterone and estrogen production.
It's important for digestion, nervous - system maintenance, building new cells throughout the body and fueling the immune system, among other functions.
It helps maintain blood volume, proper heart rate, blood flow in the skin to dissipate excess heat, and to prevent body temperature from rising too high, among other functions.
Unsaturated fats, sometimes called «healthy» fats, are necessary energy - dense macronutrients responsible for improving blood cholesterol levels, reducing inflammation and facilitating stable heart rhythms, among other functions.
Among other functions, folate helps your body process amino acids, the building blocks of protein (39).
We know that B vitamins work together and all are essential for maintaining our mental health, mood, normal metabolism, and energy levels, among other functions.
Among other functions, the feet and ankles help the body adapt to uneven terrain through side - to - side movement (Price 2008).
7 Glutathione is a potent, intracellular antioxidant that protects cells and neutralizes toxins like heavy metals and carcinogens, among other functions.
The state's Legislative Emergency Board in July allocated $ 75,000 to begin recruiting potential business and educational users of the Oregon ED - NET, a proposed communications system that would, among other functions, help remote rural school districts offset the effects of teacher shortages and geographic isolation.
Most districts employ at least one public information officer and maintain a website, among other functions.
The latter seems to provide access to the air conditioning system, among other functions, and its lower aluminum section includes the engine start button.
It's a clean, uncluttered mini command center where you can adjust the climate control settings, heat or cool your bum using the seat heaters or coolers, or access the infotainment system's various menus, among other functions.
The Comand infotainment system also gets a software upgrade, allowing it to support 3D topographical map displays and Car - to - X messages, among other functions.
The center section is a large display that provides information about water and oil temperature, fuel, battery, rpm, speed, and gears, among other functions.
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