Sentences with phrase «among religious groups»

Thirty - seven percent of respondents said that clergy contribute a lot to society, but the percentages vary greatly among religious groups.
On the other hand, he realized that competition among religious groups of strong conviction could have disastrous consequences for civic life.
President Barack Obama gets his highest approval rating among religious groups from Muslims and his lowest from Mormons, according to a newly released national poll.
NOTING FURTHER that deep reflection upon the various crises afflicting humanity underscores the inevitable and urgent need for cooperation among all religious groups, we
«People assume that problems among religious groups arise out of religious differences.
Some Net enthusiasts rhapsodize about the coming of McLuhan's Global Village, when in fact the fractures and fissures among religious groups are as strong as ever.
Reuters: Britain offers church opt - outs in gay marriage plans Britain outlined plans on Tuesday to allow gay marriage that have split Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservatives and raised fears among religious groups they will be forced to hold same - sex weddings.
The Conservatives will have a range of political allies if they move to recriminalize aspects of prostitution activity, and not just among religious groups or their own grassroots members who last month voted in favour of a «specific plan to target the purchasers of sex and human trafficking markets through criminalizing the purchase of sex as well as the acts of any third party attempting to profit from the purchase of sex.»
Social and political attitudes among religious groups: Convergence and divergence over time.
According to a 2014 study, just 7 % of American Mormons are divorced or separated, one of the lowest rates among religious groups.
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