Sentences with phrase «among young voters»

At this stage, there is no demographic breakdown of voters so claims there was a higher turnout among young voters can not be measured.
Some good news for a change when it comes to global warming: A new bipartisan poll shows strong support among young voters for taking action about climate change.
The latter reform has been shown to have the greatest impact on increasing voter participation, particularly among young voters, new residents, and immigrants.
The candidate began by addressing the issue of low voter turnout, especially among young voters.
This is all to the good since it will stimulate interest in the election, perhaps disproportionately among younger voters and those who have opted out of the mainstream media.
Another measure in this week's legislative package is legislation aimed at promoting civic engagement among young voters.
Rangel's email includes a link to Obama's appearance on «Late Night With Jimmy Fallon» last night, during which the president joined the host in «slow jamming» the student loan news — a continuation of Obama's obvious effort to bolster his support among young voters who were key to his election in 2008.
Experts say this boost of young voters could potentially be good news for Bernie Sanders, who has done well among young voters in other states.
Trump also appears to be doing slightly better among young voters (those between 18 and 34 years old backed Clinton 51 percent to 18 in August; now they back her 53 percent to 27 percent) and Jewish voters (Clinton's lead slid from 51 percent to 25 percent in August to 45 percent to 31 percent this month).
But he cited a strong grass - roots network in Iowa and strength among younger voters as reasons to stick with his presidential bid in the coming months.
Labour's post-2015 shift to the left under Jeremy Corbyn and his personal popularity among young voters seems to have directly eaten into the Greens» support.
Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont, is a self - described democratic socialist who has criticized Clinton's ties to Wall Street and generated enthusiasm among young voters with his call for breaking up the big banks and reducing income inequality.
Paul's support is even stronger among the youngest voters — the latest Granite State poll found Paul in first among New Hampshire primary voters under 35, with 32 %, and whopping 56 % of those voters said they had a favorable view of Paul.
Voters» stated ideology changed little since 2004, even among the younger voters who tilted so heavily Democratic, but there are other signs of potential shifts.
Enthusiasm for the Democratic Party is waning among young voters as its candidates head into the crucial midterm congressional elections.
But most polling models assumed the same type of apathy among younger voters that doomed the UK Brexit referendum last year.
Rubio did proportionately better among the young and Trump did proportionately better among the old — but Trump still beat Rubio among young voters.
The Democratic Party's current lead in party identification among young voters has more than doubled since the 2004 campaign, from 11 points to 25 points.
Sanders now leads Clinton among younger voters by 54 % -37 %, an even bigger advantage than the 11 - point edge he held in January's survey.
She fared well with minorities and women during the primary race, but she fell short among the younger voters who flocked to Sanders and are fond of Warren.
Before the 1997 general election he praised Tony Blair at the Brit awards, offering the then - leader of the opposition invaluable good publicity among young voters.
A man who can carry some weight among young voters, Edwards is on a quest to quietly carry out his own revolution, reviving the UK's flagging democracy among its young people.
The poll found Kendall was the favourite among younger voters, with a healthy 43 per cent saying she was best placed to win in 2020.
Lilianna Zulunova, Albert Cohen's campaign manager, said they have had success in sparking interest among younger voters with their Facebook account.
John complemented this traditional message with commitments to raise the profile of overseas aid among younger voters and also to build a stronger society as the best defence against crime.
In the meantime, the election of President Obama by a demographically diverse coalition anchored among younger voters helped unleash the furies inside an older, overwhelmingly white and Southern - leaning GOP coalition.
But after the Parkland, Fla., shooting, registration among younger voters is accelerating.
Several YouGov polls in recent weeks have shown Conservative support among the 18 - 24 age range topping 30 %, and one even shows the Conservatives as the most popular party outright among those young voters.
Sanders has been a popular choice among young voters, but he trails in the delegate count.
Siena's Steve Greenberg says there's also an age divide between the two candidates, with Clinton is leading among older voters, and Sanders ahead among younger voters.
Senator Barack Obama is ramping up his efforts to boost turnout in November among younger voters.
Labour's election manifesto pledge to do away with tuition fees at a cost of # 9.5 bn played a huge part in boosting support for Jeremy Corbyn among young voters
The figure it gave in its poll after the 2015 election was that 36 % of 18 to 29 year olds had voted Labour with 32 % voting Conservative — if correct that is a huge swing among young voters.
Most Tory activists are over 60, so on this issue they generally reflect the views, if not the passion, of their age group; but as a result they reinforce the impression among younger voters that much of the Tory is out of touch with 21st century Britain.
A new poll conducted for the League of Conservation Voters found strong views among young voters, including young Republicans, regarding climate change denial.
Much increased turnout among younger voters has produced a general election result broadly in line with those polls that took people at their word on their intention to vote.
Democrats see it as a potential strategy for boosting voter turnout, particularly among younger voters who are more likely to support legalizing the drug.
Mr Green was answering questions after a speech calling for Tory modernisation to win over young metropolitan voters who back Labour, which promised to scrap tuition fees in the election and appeared to enjoy high levels support among young voters.
At the same time, especially among younger voters, the evidence suggests an increasing disinclination to deny gays and lesbians what most of them want in principle and a minority wants in practice.
This could be a huge opportunity for Sanders to play to his popularity among young voters.
He cited low voter turnout in general and among younger voters in particular for control of Congress switching from Democratic to Republican during his presidency.
And the gloomiest finding for Liberal Democrats is that the party falls even further, from 8 per cent to just 5 per cent, among those young voters who are certain to turn out, with the Greens ahead of them on nine per cent and UKIP on 12 per cent.
The poll results also mirrored patterns seen across the UK: Suport for Remain was strongest among younger voters and supporters of Labour and Plaid Cymru, while Leave was stronger among older voters and supporters of the Conservatives and Ukip.
«A majority of Americans favor legalization, and there is overwhelming support among younger voters
Backed by brands like MTV, Genius, and the Latino Victory Project, the tool is the first major service to offer voter registration through text messaging, a process the company hopes will boost voter registration rolls, particularly among young voters.
Despite a slogan («Make America Great Again») that targeted oldster nostalgia and irritated young nonwhites whose ancestors were either in some other country or barred from voting in this one when America was allegedly great — and despite his stranger - than - fiction gaffes and scandals, Trump did almost exactly as well as Romney had among young voters.
But because the measure is a constitutional amendment, Florida law required that it get 60 percent of the vote — and that made it all the more challenging in a midterm election year, when turnout among younger voters is lower.
The Republican National Committee voted unanimously Friday to reaffirm the party's commitment to upholding the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman, upending party efforts to grow support among younger voters.
Among Democrats, Sanders has drawn bigger crowds and more fervent supporters than Clinton, particularly among younger voters.
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