Sentences with phrase «amount of accuracy»

Well - versed in • Laying and clearing tables with a great amount of accuracy and promptness • Arranging furniture to make room for large groups of restaurant patrons • Providing appropriate bussing services in a fine dining environment • Completing daily setup procedures of the dining room by ensuring that all setup activities are performed in a time - efficient manner
I know we discussed this in depth earlier in this article, but knowing these 3 things we can usually ballpark your rates with a good amount of accuracy.
Bocce is accurate and simple, elevated by a selection of fanciful courts, while the game's interpretation of ping - pong allows for a surprising amount of accuracy when returning shots.
The camera stays over his shoulder, a style used all over after RE4, and allows you to aim with a surprising amount of accuracy.
Using the Android virtual keyboard we were able to type with a fair amount of accuracy, but only when we were extremely deliberate about our taps.
It feels eager, yet although the all - electric helm answers inputs alertly and with a fair amount of accuracy, it does so with minimal communication, leaving you pretty clueless as grip gives way to slip.
Standard gluten testing is outdated and can give false - negatives, so I recommend the Cyrex Array # 3 which tests for 12 components of gluten giving a tremendous amount of accuracy when testing for gluten sensitivities.
Your baby is now learning to hone the skill of throwing and even has a spatial awareness which allows them to throw a ball with a certain amount of accuracy.

Not exact matches

«In the software world,» Wiegand said, «artificial intelligence and machine learning will drive automation through the ability to make sense of large amounts of data, and predict with accuracy the appropriate outcome.
BRAC told us that it invests a significant amount of staff time in verifying the accuracy of its CHPs» reported activities and to evaluate the quality of the care that CHPs provide.114 However, we have not seen any reports on details of these evaluations.
A tremendous amount depends on the proportion of possible hypotheses which turn out to be true, and on the accuracy with which an experiment can discern truth from falsehood.
THE COMPLETE FORMULA IS THIS: Amount of Total Carbohydrate Corrected = Total Carbohydrate (g) on the Label — Dietary Fiber (g) on the Label — 1/2 Sugar Alcohol (g) on the Label However Dr. Mike Roussell Said the Following: Don't worry about improving the accuracy of your calorie - counting by being technically correct about the contribution of fiber.
If you go by «accuracy,» the counting of calories itself is by approximation only and there is no need to worry about the accuracy of the amount of carbohydrate.
«With that person I knew they just had no interest in accuracy of amounts,» he recalls.
The 28 - year - old is averaging more than double the amount of passes per game than the 21 - year - old and with a far superior accuracy.
Giroud's stats compared to Welbeck's show just how much of a difference he made, with 16 passes compared to 19, passing accuracy of 88 percent compared to 79, three shot assists to one, 26 touches to 36 and he made the same amount of tackles as our new striker in his short time on the pitch.
Ease of assembly: Ease of assembly is based primarily on the amount of time required to assemble the crib, clarity, accuracy and explicitness of the instructions, whether or not the correct hardware was included and whether there was easy access to areas where fasteners must be tightened securely.
A Dartmouth College - led study shows that people find it increasingly difficult to distinguish between computer - generated images and real photos, but that a small amount of training greatly improves their accuracy.
To confirm the accuracy of the diaries, they also measured the amount of omega - 3 fatty acids in the children's red blood cells.
But finding that target required an important preliminary step to ensure the accuracy of their measurements: making a reference sample that contained ample amounts of the target protein.
Last but not least, the researchers can determine the amount of intracellular material they extract with incredible accuracy, down to one tenth of a pictolitre (one trillionth of a litre).
«One network increases the amount of information required before executing a decision and is therefore more likely to be activated when accuracy is important, while the second network tends to lower this threshold, especially when the choice needs to be made quickly.»
Then they used the speed of sound measurement to calculate the average speed of the argon molecules and hence the average amount of kinetic energy that they had — from this they were able to calculate the Boltzmann constant with an extremely high accuracy.
«While advanced technologies are able to capture a large amount of speech information, only humans so far are able to recognize familiar voices with almost total accuracy
«While advanced technologies are able to capture a large amount of speech information, only humans so far are able to recognize familiar voices with almost total accuracy,» he concluded.
That is a huge amount of information to piece together, so accuracy and consistency are paramount.
The team found that the model predicted, with reasonable accuracy, the amount of fluid drainage that the researchers measured in their experiments.
This new technology greatly expands the amount of medically critical data we can use to increase the accuracy of treatment decision - making.
These 36 students who did not participate in the earlier test then had pick letters and numbers out of an array within a designated amount of time, finding that the subjects who viewed the baby animals were able to concentrate more and perform better, increasing accuracy by 16 percent and speed by 13 percent, while performance.
But even as current technologies allow us to characterize the biological components of cancer with greater levels of accuracy, the massive amounts of data they produce have out - paced our ability to quickly and accurately analyze them.
Of course, the accuracy of this estimation is constrained by the limited amount of data that we have on those planetOf course, the accuracy of this estimation is constrained by the limited amount of data that we have on those planetof this estimation is constrained by the limited amount of data that we have on those planetof data that we have on those planets.
However, as the amount of solar energy generation connected to our electric grid continues to grow at a rapid rate, further improvements in predictive accuracy will be needed.
It can't be easy to set a game in the Wild West, as the terrain design is restricted to the historical accuracy of the region at that time, but Red Dead Redemption managed a reasonable amount of diversity in its communities and landscapes.
Measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m / cm / mm); mass (kg / g); volume / capacity (l / ml) Measure the perimeter of simple 2 - D shapes Add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both # and p in practical contexts Tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12 - hour and 24 - hour clocks Estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute; record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours; use vocabulary such as o'clock, am / pm, morning, afternoon, noon and midnight Know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in each month, year and leap year Compare durations of events [for example, to calculate the time taken by particular events or tasks]
Objectives covered: Measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m / cm / mm); mass (kg / g); volume / capacity (l / ml) Measure the perimeter of simple 2 - D shapes Add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both # and p in practical contexts Tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12 - hour and 24 - hour clocks Estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute; record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours; use vocabulary such as o'clock, am / pm, morning, afternoon, noon and midnight Know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in each month, year and leap year Compare durations of events [for example, to calculate the time taken by particular events or tasks]
By ninth grade, missing excessive amounts of school can predict the likelihood of dropping out with more accuracy than past test scores (Allensworth & Easton, 2007).
The steering has a reasonable amount of weight and accuracy is really good, but there is some amount of artificial feel in the system and cars like the Mercedes C - Class and Jaguar XE has moved the game forward in this respect.
The electro - mechanical steering, enhanced with the optional speed - sensitive Servotronic here (variable - ratio steering also optionally available), provides sharp and quick turn - in, good accuracy and the right amount of feedback.
Even worse the studies found that as the amount of information increases it increases confidence rather than accuracy.
He or she is also required to verify the accuracy of the appraisal that was done on the property in order to confirm that the amount of the loan is comparable to the value of the home.
If the lender verifies the accuracy of the reported amounts, make a complaint directly with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
The typical pay - for - delete arrangement begins as a letter from the debtor to the collector seeking an agreement where the debtor pays, either in full or a settled - upon amount for less than the total due, in exchange for the collector removing the account from the consumer's credit reports or preventing its appearance if not yet reported.Pay - for - delete, however, has a problem: It violates credit bureau reporting rules that ensure the accuracy and completeness of credit reports.
In Effects of amount of information on judgment accuracy and confidence, by Claire I. Tsai, Joshua Klayman, and Reid Hastie, the authors examined two other studies that further that demonstrate when decision makers receive more information, their confidence increases more than their accuracy, producing «substantial confidence — accuracy discrepancies.»
If you are looking for accuracy in your net worth calculation, know the repayment terms of your lender to put the right amount for liabilities.
Most automated trading software will allow you to adjust things a little bit by choosing the accuracy rate, the number of the trades placed, or the amount of money invested per trade.
While there is no test that will always answer this question with 100 % accuracy, the many tools available to cardiologists — echocardiography, electrocardiography, Holter monitors, and blood tests (see below)-- will reveal an enormous amount of information about how safe it is to go ahead with the planned procedure.
Combat and enemy movement both feature hefty amounts of luck that the player can't mitigate very much; there's no bonuses to accuracy for flanking ghosts or even working together as a team, and a run of bad luck can leave you feeling frustrated as you chase a troublesome foe around the board like an idiot.
There are over 40 weapons which can be upgraded after completing the second mission as the chief engineer Minikin is capable of upgrading the damage, accuracy, codex count, magazine size and reload speed for varying amounts of in - game currency referred to as credits that can be collected from areas throughout the spaceship and are randomly dropped by some enemies too.
Combat is simple in its Rock - Paper - Scissors Triangle, yet wields an impressive amount of depth thanks to the angular motion and needed accuracy with each hit.
One thing I love about the game is how different difficulty levels actually affect the gameplay: other games tend to boost enemy A.I.'s accuracy, give them more health, or simply increase the amount of damage that enemies» bullets do to your character.
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