Sentences with phrase «amount of alfalfa sprouts»

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In particular, red grapes, fennel, artichokes, garlic, alfalfa sprouts and broccoli fight skin inflammation and provide substantial amounts of beneficial acne - fighting nutrients.
Alfalfa can cause inflammatory reactions when large amounts of seeds or sprouts are consumed.
Alfalfa sprouts also carry small amounts of other nutrients, such as vitamin A (as beta - carotene) zinc, thiamin (vitamin B1), and iron.
There is a surprisingly large amount of protein in alfalfa sprouts which can help with growth, development, and repair throughout the body, and will even help boost muscle mass and decrease fat deposition.
Excess amounts of light, dry and astringent foods like legumes, raw greens (spinach, lettuce, alfalfa sprouts), pretzels, chips, corn and corn products, pomegranate and cranberries can cause dryness in the body.
They may also be offered alfalfa hay and grass, and lesser amounts of other vegetables (carrot, squash, pepper, broccoli, peas, beans, okra, sprouts), plus occasional fruits (banana, apple, melon, papaya, kiwi, plum).
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