Sentences with phrase «amount of amazing recipes»

Not exact matches

Hey Ella, I baked these amazing muffins over the weekend and I'm surprised there are still any left, they're so nice I wanted to eat them all in one I read the comments beforehand and to fix the «burnt top / raw inside» issue I squeezed all of the moisture out of the zucchini before adding it to the mix and I also cooked it at gas mark 4 (180C) for the same amount of time listed in your recipe.
having reflected on the grand amount of time i spend @ sk... i would like to state that i truly look forward to an interesting & exciting sk 2011... i have learned so much from you this past, as i strive to be better educated in the art of baking... so thank you for a great year & a treasure trove of amazing recipes.
I think it will be amazing when next time I use star anise and use the exact amount of broth as stated in the recipe (I think I used too much).
My husband and I are doing whole 30 together and I just want to make sure we are getting the right amount of calories in This recipe sounds amazing and I can't wait to try it!
While what you have here looks amazing, it would be great to see language that more accurately represents your recipes, as this kind of wording may be confusing for people who aren't as informed and don't realize they are actually consuming a good amount of sugar when they eat this.
I have learned that if a recipe has 1/2 cup or less of flour (as the amazing cocoa brownies on Smitten Kitchen do), I can substitute the same amount of Gluten Free Pantry all purpose flour, and the final product is indistinguishable from a gluten - filled baked good!
«By itself, the human genome was not a recipe for new treatments,» he says, «but it gave medicine amazing amounts of basic, quantitative information to start from.»
Many recipes out there include an abysmally small amount of greens, and here, more is really better — they're what makes green smoothies so amazing for you!
Flax Seed is Amazing: rich in omega - 3 and fiber, with just a trace amount of carbs, substituting ground flax seeds in place of flour can enrich the nutritional profile of your recipes.
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