Sentences with phrase «amount of attention»

My law review articles got a fair amount of attention from practicing lawyers.
Be aware that most, if not all, reviews of candidates for financial support and academic enrollment place a moderate amount of attention on the candidate's extracurricular activities and achievements.
With the price of bitcoin rising by over 600 % this year alone, the coin has attracted a large amount of attention from all over the market.
The overall feeling to this magnificent game is that of a truly immersive experience that has had massive amounts of attention given to it.
As a middle child, you receive the least amount of attention from family and as a result, this family of your choice is your compensation.
Second - rate artists get huge amounts of attention while truly great ones are neglected.
Women's issues in general have always gotten a great amount of attention in the medical community.
I have also seen a great amount of attention by some owners looking at their bank balance daily.
As an unpublished or self - published author, it can be a relentless struggle to attract a significant amount of attention to your book or manuscript.
So, one has to imagine it may not have drawn quite the same amount of attention as it did if it retained the style the developers originally had in mind.
Shoes are the last wardrobe item to go on — they also receive the least amount of attention when one is putting together an outfit.
There is no reason to assume that the enormous amount of attention paid to credit growth recently has had no impact on this kind of behavior.
In the field of education, the concept of learning styles has received a tremendous amount of attention over the past half century.
Wear these with a pair of cropped black pants and off - white shirt, and attract just the right amount of attention.
My partners and I think that there needs to be an equal amount of attention paid to the people and the processes that are needed to innovate as well.
Since security need not pose a concern, modern document collaboration systems attract increasing amounts of attention from lawyers due to the business challenges they enable firms to meet.
There's an incredible amount of attention to detail, resulting in some funny one - liners, gags and running jokes, but the scope does get a little overwhelming.
But in studying how the brain uses energy, scientists have learned that it's virtually impossible to do two things at once with equal amounts of attention.
The book came out in 1961 and attracted a certain amount of attention at the time; I still think it was a fairly adequate piece of analysis.
After giving birth to a child, the mother must be very careful in giving the proper amount of attention to his or her needs.
The legal press pays a disproportionate amount of attention to large law firms — as do we all.
Does it deserve the massive amount of attention it gets?
Lately, there's been a considerable amount of attention given to cryptocurrency entering the real - estate industry and homes for sale priced in bitcoin.
The «gut - skin» connection has received a considerable amount of attention over the last decade.
Nevertheless, the new Bold has managed a decent amount of attention from the world's media.
Each track has extensive backgrounds and a good amount of attention to detail that helps give the game a nice, polished feel.
It seems reasonable to believe that, first of all, he would be pleased with the extraordinary amount of attention his work continues to gather.
It can be challenging for a nanny to care for several children at once if one child needs an unusual amount of attention.
Self - esteem has received a substantial amount of attention in psychological theory and research over the last 40 years.
For instance, if you are living in a space - restricted place, you should pay highest amount of attention to the size.
Because of the age difference, you can struggle to understand exactly the kind of attention that the other person wants, so make sure that you give the correct amount of attention.
Our experts know how to use the best resume format for executives so that it draws the maximum amount of attention, and that is what you want.
There has been a fair amount of attention devoted to it in various forums and blogs on the internet.
Not only would that event get immense amounts of attention, but it would add intrigue to the first - round series.
I don't think there is anything wrong with giving babies varying amounts of attention.
A helicopter parent is one who pays an extreme amount of attention to their child's efforts, particularly with school.
Although they don't get the same amount of attention like carbs and protein, iron and magnesium are very important muscle - building nutrients.
They pay ridiculous amounts of attention to things like looks, which have little bearing on whether a relationship will work.
This breed is ideal for someone with a medium - to - large sized yard and can constantly offer the appropriate amount of attention.
Puppies want to play all the time and require an extensive amount of attention, exercise and complete training (house, crate, obedience).
This can also be said for friendships and family members, all of which should receive ample amount of attention to create the best level of communication possible.
They act out more than their peers and usually demand excessive amounts of attention from the pastor or youth leader.
I haven't paid a terrible amount of attention to it throughout but saw some tweets early on where it looked pretty solid for spring, especially of late.
From the driver's seat, all important controls are less than an arm's length away, and they require only a slight amount of attention to operate.
The end result is a system that requires an undue amount of attention to use effectively.

Phrases with «amount of attention»

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