Sentences with phrase «amount of calories needed»

Now, the amount of calories needed by your pet Boxer is dependent on its level of activity.
The amount of calories needed to sustain this rapid growth is extensive.
To help prevent disease, we must make every effort to control the rate at which big dogs grow by feeding only the amount of calories needed to keep their bodies lean while they develop.
This is the total amount of calories needed by your pit bull to stay healthy at rest and within a normal environmental temperature.
TEF is basically the amount of calories needed to process the food you just ate.
This reduces the amount of calories needed maintain your current body weight.
The amount of calories needed is based on the number of calories your body burns in a day, so this figure will vary from person to person.
If I work out my amount of calories needed, then subtract 400 - 500 for weight loss, I end up with only 1000 calories for the day.
This can be done one of two ways: you can eat less than the energy disbursed by your basal metabolic rate (read: the amount of calories needed to maintain your body at rest) from the comfort of your couch, or you eat at your resting metabolic rate and create the deficit through exercise.
Once you calculate the exact amount of calories needed to gain weight, try to make a diet schedule which includes foods that are high in nutritional profiles and are rich in calories.
Your body will then use stored body fat to cover the amount of calories needed to either produce breast milk or to supply energy needed for other tasks that the body performs.
The amount of calories he needs to grow will continue to increase.
The number that you get by multiplying your BMR by your level of activity is the amount of calories you need on a daily basis to maintain weight.
It's a free calorie counter that gives you the amount of calories you need based on factors like your age, gender, height, current weight and your daily activity.
It will give you the amount of calories you need to lose weight.
This is useful when figuring out the amount of calories you need to burn.
Discover how to work out the amount of calories you need for weight loss and weight maintenance, based upon your desired weight and activity levels.
Another important thing that this style of eating does is that it tends to bring people naturally back to the proper amount of calories they need each day without having to attempt to count calories or anything like that.
If you had enough self control and you could limit the amount of bad foods you eat and still stay within the limited amount of calories you need to eat to lose weight then...
-- Find out the amount of calories you need to maintain your bodyweight.
Make sure that your body is getting at least the minimum amount of calories it needs to function, also known as your basal metabolic rate.
What amount of calorie we need actually depends on our gender, age, physical activity and muscle mass.
First look at your diet to ensure you are eating the amount of calories you need.
Also known as the amount of calories you need to do basic functions.
cantly reduce the amount of calories you need during exercise.
This is why it is important that you get the correct amount of calories each day so that your body can function normally and complete everything you ask of it in terms of physical activity and that is also why the amount of calories you need to consume can also differ eg.
It is impossible for anyone to eat the amount of calories they need per day, and no get the quantity of protein they need.
On days you lift, you'll eat at maintenance calories, which is the amount of calories you need to maintain your current body weight.
Your first step is to figure these numbers out, specifically your maintenance calories, which is the amount of calories you need to consume per day to maintain your current weight.
The amount of calories you need to maintain this balance depends on a number of factors.
so 2640 — 500 is the amount of calories i need to eat to lose 1 pound a week?
Your dog's age, activity level, and whether he's neutered, will all affect the amount of calories he needs.
By feeding your pooch a diet designed for puppies, which contains more of these ingredients than one formulated for adults, little Fido will be sure to get the proper amount of calories he needs.

Not exact matches

I'll constantly be sensed for my biomedical chemistries — I walk into a restaurant and I'm being fed the amount of calories and the vitamins I need to consume that day.
The second group (normal diet) consumed their energy needs divided into 3 meals: 8 a.m., 1 p.m., and 8 p.m.. Both groups consumed the same amount of calories and % of macronutrients.
Coconut sugar is very high in calories (same as regular sugar) and you'd have to eat a ridiculous amount of it to satisfy your need for the above nutrients.
The key is to consume a variety of foods and the right amount of foods to meet your calorie and nutrient needs.
If you go by «accuracy,» the counting of calories itself is by approximation only and there is no need to worry about the accuracy of the amount of carbohydrate.
These Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes are under 200 calories per pancake, and they contain hefty amounts of riboflavin, a B vitamin needed for red - blood - cell production and for converting carbohydrates to energy.
I have heard that Almond Flour is horrible because the amount of almonds / calories needed to make the flour.
Basically oil is full of things you don't need (fat, crazy amounts of calories for the volume of food you receive for it) and has nothing you do need (like nutrients and vitamins).
It is high in calories and you would have to eat a large amount of it to satisfy your need for the nutritional benefits.
While injured athletes do require fewer calories if they are exercising less than usual, they still need to eat an appropriate amount of fuel.
Your pregnancy needs will require you to eat more calories of a specific amount per day than you currently eat.
If you're a woman who is very active, you'll need to increase these calorie amounts to adjust to for amount of calories you do burn.
The amount of breast milk your baby needs at this point will depend on how many calories he or she is getting from other foods.
Protein requirements are hard to define because the amount of protein your body needs depends on how many calories you consume.
You would need to eat an excessive amount of calories to consume two grams.
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the amount of calories that a toddler needs every day will range based on the child, any medical needs, and of course, physical activity.
Women who are not gaining the expected amount of weight may need to consume extra calories.
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