Sentences with phrase «amount of enemies»

They're just about having a large amount of enemies on screen at once.
Some of these, though normal battles, require you to use a specific character or only want you to kill a certain amount of enemies in a given time limit.
Also, when there's a large amount of enemies on screen, be prepared to see some frame rate drops.
Some of these, though normal battles, require you to use a specific character or only want you to kill a certain amount of enemies in a given time limit.
The side quests vary radically between simple conversations between characters, to hunting for a missing animal or fulfilling specific conditions within a dungeon — kill x amount of enemy y for example.
At first this is all very amusing, but due to the sheer amount of enemies the game throws at you it soon becomes incredibly annoying.
You feel the frame rate just goes down even though I like fighting a huge amount of enemies but I would rather see it looking visually good.
Those that have played the series before know the massive amount of enemies presented.
Each fight consists of classic turn based combat, where three of your characters face off against a variable amount of enemies.
The quests are broken down between gathering a set amount of items or killing a set amount of enemies, so nothing new to see here.
There's a good amount of enemy variety on offer to keep you on your toes, and the game looks bloody beautiful, able to stand up to many full retail titles.
Due to the overwhelming amount of enemies that are coming from each point on the map, you're required to always be moving and trying to work all sections of the map.
The skill animations are beautiful and never slow the game down even if there is a mass amount of enemies on screen.
It features large open worlds with large amount of enemies rendered on - screen at once, along with realistic shadows and lighting effects.
It simply doesn't have the resources to render large amounts of enemy characters, so when I say that characters popping into view literally next to you I'm not kidding.
The screen is often cluttered with excessive amounts of enemies when you are in combat.
The fighting moves quickly and there's an impressive amount of enemy bodies portrayed on the screen at any given time.
You can also release a massive amount of enemy absorbed from kill shots to damage all enemies within view.
Instead of trying to survive as many waves as possible, each map has a fixed amount of enemies and finite number of rounds.
This can range from beating the stage in a certain amount of time or finishing the stage with a certain amount of enemies remaining.
The port is also substantially easier, both due to the lesser amount of enemies, and the fact that you can take three hits before getting destroyed instead of one.
In case you manage to beat a certain amount of enemies with a single vegetable, you will get an extra life.
Rather all you have to do is complete challenges, like killing X amount of enemies, in order to increase damage or maybe bump up the magazine size.
, the numerous missions often fall into the same categories: destroy a variable amount of enemies, capture targeted points, and reach certain zones.
In each level, you are tasked with killing a set amount of enemies, collecting a set amount of crystals, or a combination of both.
Therein lies the game's challenge, as players have to masterfully weave in and out of increasing amounts of enemies and their bullet hell - like attacks, while placing shots of their own to the underbelly of the aggressive beasts to thin them out.
Zelda has a large amount of enemy types that they could use in a large open world game.
With most Dynasty Warriors games and spinoffs, you have a good idea of what you're going to get going in: big maps with multiple objectives, huge amounts of enemy soldiers, and lots of hack - and - slash gameplay with flashy combos.
Other ex options include a first - person camera, music and visual filters, HUD removal, adding A.I. partners so a single - player can experience four - player local cooperative gameplay and an option to increase the number of adversaries in single player to the same amount of enemies appearing in local co-op.
The only downside of Samurai Warriors 4 is that as with the previous games, the main gameplay can become a little repetitive as you hack «n» slash your way through an endless amount of enemies.
Unlike CoD's killstreaks, requiring you to kill a certain amount of the enemy within one life, Halo 4 requires a larger amount of kills across the entire match.
Sometimes you have to kill a certain amount of enemies before the clock runs out, while many others give you devious mixtures of enemy types that demand a diverse use of your abilities.
This means with the limited amount of enemy variety, we can easily learn the moves and weakness of each of them and this makes each of the subsequent encounter with them less terrifying and often feeling repetitive.
The game also suffers a drop in frame rate when a large amount of enemies appear on - screen, but only for a split - second before it recovers.
Both arms have a shield that can withstand a small amount of enemy blows before it needs to recharge.
The on - screen action definitely adds to the confusion as you attempt to admire the beautiful art - style and dodge the massive amount of enemy attacks coming toward you.
Thanks to the Wii controller, Treasure is able to throw an unprecedented amount of enemy projectiles and obstacles your way, and it feels great.
Assuming the role of any number of characters from the novel, you engage huge amounts of enemies across a variety of key historical battles in an attempt to dominate the field and gain the advantage for your kingdom.
Also there is no real leveling up you mainly just collect crystals to gain and upgrade abilities and you can get upgrades by doing task like killing so and so amount of enemies and things of that nature and they so far don't significant amount of upgrading your heroes abilities.
First the game lacks a significant amount of enemies, I've been going around killing every gurard and I'm finishing levels with like 30 or 40 kills.
Essentially, the three most important things for most missions are to kill the fewest amount of enemies possible, zero combat detections, and zero retries.
Often seen as Military Payroll carriers, or Troop Transports, attack as normal, beware of large amounts of enemy crew
Not only will we be able to play and see cut - scenes with new threads, the Mercenaries Reunion will also hit at the same time, giving us new characters and weapon load outs for added challenge while shooting the maximum amount of enemies in the allotted time.
With AC for example, I would have preferred if AC 4, was actually the THIRD game (its the sixth), but have it a HUGE game, like GTA, with tons of things to do, a vast world full of people, great amount of enemies, etc..
This also means that there will be a lower amount of enemies on screen and many fans are doubting if this new title will be able to play at the tournament level that previous DMC games played at considering the 60 fps were necessary for pulling off most of the high score combos.
This is a great addition, and means you'll be spending significantly less time on item - management, and more time on slaughtering the incredible amount of enemies that hurl themselves at your feet.
You'll have to hack and slash your way through an insane amount of enemies, eventually summoning different Aggressors and Plants that must be quickly defeated.

Phrases with «amount of enemies»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z