Sentences with phrase «amount of testing»

We did a tremendous amount of testing for the various types of headlines you can use.
With the small amount of test data alone the mitochondrial genomes of eight specimens have been fully assembled, and have directed insights into examining the past ecology of the species.
Since it was for science, I wanted to eat a good amount of the test food to really see how my body reacted, so I ate like five cookies in one day.
I sure hope they did the same amount of testing with 3rd party charging cables and variations of such.
With huge amounts of tests, Professional resume writing service made it simple to make various cover letters quick..
You always want to do the right amount of testing so you can make sure the product works correctly and the way you promised it would.
So I think that anything we do in the future, you'll see an extensive amount of testing.
That must require an extraordinary amount of testing and development work, which can't be cheap.
You consume a fixed amount of test sugar and your breath is collected every 15 minutes for two to four hours.
I don't have issue with the idea of testing but the sheer amount of testing has reduced instructional time drastically.
Since we offer an unlimited amount of tests, you can keep practicing for the real exam as many times as you need!
During a game jam, however, it can be hard to do even a small amount of testing.
Exactly the same amount of testing can be achieved with questions that are not open ended.
Realizing that many districts felt forced to subject their students to an incredible amount of testing in the hope of passing a greater percentage of third graders on to the fourth grade, the State Board of Education moved in February to accept proposals from local school districts for alternative assessments that are valid and reliably demonstrate a student's proficiency in reading, as required by the Read to Achieve law.
But we have also seen a major assault against the standards because of the tests, with attacks coming on amount of testing time, stress of the test, technology issues, and all points in between.
«Rather than being an incentive to cut back on testing, superintendents, principals, and teachers are faced with an increasing amount of testing to evaluate teachers» and serve as test prep to increase SBAC scores, said Williams.
Only a very small amount of testing time is allocated to each content standard or skill covered in the classroom curriculum; and
The Federal law known as No Child Left Behind has generated a massive amount of testing data.
Normed tests, also known as Norm Referenced Tests are tests that are normed by collecting large amounts of testing data from large cohorts of students, later comparing the performance of age and grade groups.
But we appreciate everyone's eagerness to help out, so I'm investigating the difficulty of implementing «TEST UEC» now rather than waiting for the dogfighting module — the idea would be that everyone would get a certain amount of TEST UEC at different periods and could use the credits to buy items that would exist for a day in your hangar to check them out, try them on your various ships, walls and so on.
Tester expressed concern over the large amounts of testing that students were facing...
Small needles inject tiny amounts of each test allergen just under the patient's skin in a specific pattern and order so that if the dog shows a small raised reaction, the allergen causing it can be identified
«A tremendous amount of testing has occurred but we respectfully suggest that it's only the beginning.
But Jernigan says some of the spike in flu cases likely comes from seasonal viruses, not the new strain, as well as the «profound amount of testing that has gone on in the last few weeks.»
The total amount of testing should diminish and, if it doesn't, it will have to be better aligned to the end - of - course expectations and exams that states will administer.
Because of the mounting political pressure and a certain amount of test anxiety, a number of other states are considering ways of distancing themselves from the Common Core and the new assessments.
But he said the bill is a way to apply opt - out law consistently amid what can seem like «excessive amounts of testing
Parents complained to the legislative Common Core study committee about the enormous amount of testing that their children have had to endure, and some parents have associated that testing with Common Core's implementation.
My point is that conclusions drawn from vast amounts of testing data do not automatically justify using the same tools to measure effects when the scale is reduced to a single teacher — precisely what some recent writings have offered as a piece of news, when for teachers, it was self - evident all along.
The car is still very, very new and everyone is still trying to dial themselves into that but we've done a reasonable amount of testing here and have a reasonably comfortable set up.
It takes a fair amount of testing and iteration to find the winning combination on Facebook.
Alex Fry: There are huge amounts of test scripts, things that are more prone to breakage than others, things you suspect are more prone to break based on the code you've changed, so working with the QA guys on that, and other things like checking that your saves are going to work, that a small change to the physics hasn't broken thisvehicle in this particular Stunt Run...
Rest assured though, Halo 4 still feels like a Halo video game, mainly due to the ridiculous amount of testing 343 Industries did during the game's development process.
Like many mechanics popular in mobile games, Gacha systems require a significant amount of testing and refinement to ensure they provide players with the correct risk - reward ratio.
«[Animal tests] can include skin and eye irritation tests where chemicals are rubbed onto the shaved skin or dripped into the eyes of rabbits; repeated oral force - feeding studies lasting weeks or months to look for signs of general illness or specific health hazards, such as cancer or birth defects; and even widely condemned «lethal dose» tests, in which animals are forced to swallow massive amounts of a test chemical to determine the dose that causes death.»
Also most teachers give explosive amounts of tests on a chapter that the students have only been introduced to for less then a day.
Customers who are plunking down big money for such a system surely do so only after a good amount of testing.
TOMMY MILNER, NO. 4 CHEVROLET CORVETTE C7.R: «It's been a whirlwind offseason for everyone at Corvette Racing with a massive amount of testing and development for 2016.
If your veterinarian suspects that your pet has atopy, he or she may offer a referral to the dermatologist for intradermal allergy testing where a small amount of test allergens are injected in the skin and a wheal (a bump) response is measured.
Both teams will have the same amount of testing time to get the cars sorted, and then it should be another great battle.»
First, only a small amount of testing time can be allotted to each standard or skill covered in the marking period.
Another big change since Massa first started out is the amount of testing available to new drivers, which is now minimal.
«The Common Core Task Force Report has 21 common sense recommendations we've been seeking for several years including reducing the amount of testing and testing anxiety, making sure curriculum and exams are age appropriate and not placing such a heavy emphasis on teacher evaluations and student performance on the standardized test scores.»
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has insisted the state budget, which included a new teacher evaluation criteria, will seek to reduce the amount of testing in public school classrooms.
Lawmakers now want to take direct aim at the amount of testing in classrooms in a post-budget session where the governor has less power.
Parents worry about funding and standards for their public school students and remain least concerned about the amount of testing in classrooms, a survey released by High Achievement New York and Achieve found.
He says state education officials have been receptive to feedback on the amount of testing at the local level, though the general structure of the assessment tests will remain the same.

Phrases with «amount of testing»

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