Sentences with phrase «amount than the explanation»

Not exact matches

He or she may be flattered by the amount of respect you have and be more forgiving than if you left without explanation or made up a flimsy excuse.
For example, although the report includes a table showing the differences between the final results for 2011 - 12 and the March 2012 Budget forecast for 2011 - 12, explanations of these changes amounted to less than four lines and were questionable.
The clearest available explanation for this crazy price outcome is supply: the total dollar amount of market value in $ WFC - L, an amount that has to find a home in someone's portfolio at all times, is roughly 1000X larger than the total amount of $ KSU - to be held.
I wondered the exact same thing about the gestational diabetes test, never got an explanation about why it was necessary, couldn't understand what benefit there could be to drinking an amount of sugar that I would never otherwise ingest to see if I had a condition I was unlikely to have that would be treated by following a diet and exercise plan less stringent than what I already did, so I ultimately declined it — a decision which was readily accepted by the CNMs providing care at my hospital's practice.
«One possible explanation,» he says, «is that the snowy owls had such an ample amount of food available that their reproduction success was higher than normal, causing an over-population of birds that were eventually forced south by competing individuals.»
It's not that I can't be convinced that they're unhealthy, but if I'm going to accept data that goes against the grain of thousands of years of human history and a fair amount of anecdotal data, I'd like more than one study to convince me; I'd like multiple studies and an explanation of the mechanism by which these foods do harm.
Since I've been spoiled by the extensive work Arc System Works puts into training modes in its fighting games, the fact that there's no real explanation for all of Ultra's new gameplay features beyond what amounts to a PDF instruction manual is more than a little embarrassing.
It is scarcely necessary to look further than this for the explanation for the greater amount of work accomplished... in the German and French than in the American schools.
The method of payout for this service has been controversial among self - published authors, and requires an explanation: Traditionally published ebooks downloaded from Kindle Unlimited earn the same amount as a sale, but for self - published authors, a «borrow» pays out differently than a purchase.
The allowed amount is often significantly higher than the «patient owes» amount on your explanation of benefits.
Evidently, this supernatural justification for what amounts to a modified form of shopping would not work in a sci - fi horror setting like Resident Evil, where the nonsense is justified using technobabble rather than (wholly equivalent) magical explanations.
(c) pay all amounts, if any, that were withheld during the period of non-compliance, if the insured person provides, not later than the 10th business day after the failure or refusal to comply, or as soon as practicable after that day, a reasonable explanation for not complying with that subsection.
(ii) pay all amounts, if any, that were withheld during the period of non-compliance if the insured person provides not later than the 10th business day after the failure or refusal to comply, or as soon as practicable after that day, a reasonable explanation for not complying with that subsection.
(c) pay all amounts, if any, that were withheld during the period of non-compliance, if the insurer determines that the insured person sustained a catastrophic impairment and the insured person provides not later than the 10th business day after the failure or refusal to comply, or as soon as practicable after that day, a reasonable explanation for not complying with subsection 42 (10).
(b) pay all amounts, if any, that were withheld during the period of non-compliance, if the insurer determines that the insured person is entitled to any specified benefits and the insured person provides not later than the 10th business day after the failure or refusal to comply, or as soon as practicable after that day, a reasonable explanation for not complying with subsection 42 (10).
(c) pay all amounts, if any, that were withheld during the period of non-compliance if the insured person provides not later than the 10th business day after the failure or refusal to comply, or as soon as practicable after that day, a reasonable explanation for not complying with subsection 42 (10).
For an explanation of why this amounts to «a departure from the foundational principle of natural justice ``, look no further than the Special Advocates» response to the consultation and my co-editor Angus McCullough QC's post, A Special Advocate's comment.
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