Sentences with phrase «amounts of their agricultural crops»

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Ten thousand years ago, at the dawn of the Neolithic era, the agricultural revolution began to yield vastly larger amounts of food from cultivated crops and livestock, allowing rapid growth in human populations.
But the bubble burst when it became apparent that there wasn't enough agricultural land in the U.S. or elsewhere to grow sufficient amounts of corn, palm and other crops to feed both people and their engines.
Need for strong public outreach Agricultural production accounts for the greatest amount of global water consumption, and in this sector the authors suggest a variety of efficiency proposals such as improved irrigation systems and switching to crop varieties that consume less water.
Most studies of this kind look only at the extent to which climate shocks affect crop yield — the amount of product harvested from a given unit of agricultural land.
The amount of biomass available from corn and food crops is very small; for biofuels to have a large impact, we must harness energy from nonedible plants, also known as cellulosic biomass — wood and wood waste, agricultural waste, and energy crops.
The populations in Hungary showed signs of following both diets: an agricultural diet filled with cereals, pulses and moderate amounts of meat, as well as a pastoral diet that included more animal proteins alongside millet, which is an easy - to - grow crop often found in Central Asia.
Rising demand for agricultural products that require large amounts of water, particularly beef cattle and biofuel crops, is adding to shortages.
Over the next few months, however, the DEA's delay and expressed intent to review the applications as if the farmers intended to grow an unprecedented amount of Schedule I drugs, versus cultivate a non-drug agricultural crop, fueled frustration in North Dakota's legislature.
Now it appears that in their courageous battle to protect us from information overload, the US Department of Agriculture has cancelled the annual publication of the Agricultural Chemical Usage Report, which lists the kinds and amounts of pesticides applied to crops.
I subscribe to the school of thought that if we don't demand large amounts of imported and unnecessary commodities, such as oil and coffee, that those agricultural regions can be better be used to provide essential food crops to their own region as well as neighboring regions currently undergoing serious food shortages.
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