Sentences with phrase «ample fuel»

No matter on which side of the border we met, we always found ample fuel for many hours of amazing conversations.
As temperatures rise from the increase of greenhouse gases, evaporation rates from soils increase, which can worsen drought and dry out vegetation, creating ample fuel for fires.
All of this provides ample fuel for a curmudgeon to gripe about Law Day.
There are other factors that are favoring more and bigger wildfires, such as the decades of active fire suppression that have created dense forests with ample fuel, making fires more difficult to control.
In contrast, a vegetable omelet with a cup of coffee or tea provides ample fuel to keep the brain firing all the way to lunch, when recharging with a palm - sized portion of protein such as chicken or fish, along with a colorful salad topped with an olive oil - based dressing, can keep you rolling strong.
Please make sure you have ample fuel for a return trip (32 kilometers round trip) before making your way to the resort, Mount Washington Alpine Resort has no fueling station on hill.
Centralized atheism also feeds hungrily on charisma, and Sanderson Jones, who resembles a tall, bearded messiah - and who, despite the SA recommendation that Assembly hosts should be regularly rotated, dominates each London service - provides ample fuel.
This will give you ample fuel for a workout and may even act an appetite suppressant once you're finished.
once the exercise is completed, the most vital part begins that is adequate rest and providing ample fuel to your muscles in order that they will regenerate and grow.
And thanks to the Golf SportWagen model's ability to attain over 30 miles per gallon on the highway, along with an ample fuel tank, you can travel farther with fewer fill - ups on the way.
In 2005, the record breaking year in the North Atlantic, record high SSTs in the critical region from 10 to 20 degrees N in the North Atlantic provided ample fuel... Read more
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