Sentences with phrase «ample material»

The presence of this information in combination with full bank account and insurance policy numbers provides ample material for account fraud, financial attacks, and perhaps even insurance fraud.
It also provides ample material for them to practice responses independently at home (as a teacher it also provides an extensive bank of assessment questions that can be used across the unit).
There is certainly ample material, in every industry, of CEOs who have failed along their journey due to personal issues, poor business decisions, criminal acts or other reasons.
Either way, the cloud contains ample material to give rise to plenty of bright new stars.
The overview of why the candidate needs to change formats based on goals, recommended changes, and resume samples should give any reader ample material to update their own resume.
The novel is especially recommended for book groups, as its various themes (women's rights, generational change, etc.) will provide ample material for discussion.
The Catholic Church now has ample materials with which to make sense of, teach, and apply its settled convictions on the morality of marital love and procreation: the Theology of the Body; John Paul II's magnificent 1981 apostolic exhortation, Familiaris Consortio; the pastorally sensitive 1997 Vademecum for Confessors on the Morality of Certain Aspects of Conjugal Life.
While this would be ample material from which to make a movie, it's not the story the screenwriters set out to tell.
Everett Ferguson offers ample material for consideration in his monumental Baptism in the Early Church.
Though no new data is being collected for University researchers this year, the good news is, according to Achberger, the amount of research collected last field season yielded ample material to be studied.
This is an ideal chance for the sequel to explore new territory; the complexity of mother - daughter dynamics could supply ample material for a movie, especially because each pairing is a little different.
At Ramsay's press roundtable, the filmmaker reflected on shooting her first feature in digital, and said the medium let her be freer with actors while producing ample material to work with.
It was accepted that a history of different collective bargaining can give rise to a defence of genuine material factor, but here it failed because there was ample material on which the tribunal could find that that history was itself sex - tainted.
He had intended to work on a history of American business cycles for his Ph.D. dissertation under Joseph Dorfman at Columbia University, but he found out that the first major cycle in American history, the Panic of 1819, provided ample material for study in itself.
Her questions are good ones, and she has ample material from Riccoldo to illustrate the dissonance he felt between his Christian faith and the convictions of Muslims.
The intricacies of his arguments on this subject and the problems with them will provide ample material for the next generation of Barth scholarship.
Of course, the Universe provided ample material!
There's ample material to sink our teeth into outside the ring, as well.
And there is a lot of it: McCarthy seems to have ample material to work from in the edit in order to make montages of people poring over lists of names line by line, not just cinematic (Howard Shore «s sensitive piano - based score helps here too), but actually kind of thrilling.
While the interior is not open to the public, the exterior features an exquisite hand - carved wooden balcony and provides ample material for photographers and architecture buffs.
There was ample material to justify a departure from the general rule having regard to the judge's well - founded criticisms of the respondent but not to the extent of requiring it to pay the applicant's costs, including the costs of preparation of the application.
These lessons will provide ample material for you to review and evaluate the Lions Quest program.
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