Sentences with phrase «ample research on»

I have done ample research on area accounting firms, and have found that you are the best in customer reviews and accuracy.
That being said, it's important to do ample research on your intended destination so you understand any and all risks you may encounter.
With all of the different policies that you can get, you will want to make sure that you do ample research on all of them.
This was admittedly before my time, but I've done ample research on the subject: Nintendo's Virtual Boy system, released in 1995, was, in fact, the first system to feature 3D graphics.
Choose your bank carefully after doing ample research on the home loan rates being offered.
There is ample research on brain abnormalities in patients with psychotic disorders which demonstrates that these conditions can be treated or, in some instances, reversed.

Not exact matches

While the world of employee training and onboarding keeps expanding around us, it becomes harder and harder to tell fleeting fads from proven techniques that are based on ample data and research.
According to the Organic Farming Research Foundation, «Organic standards set strict guidelines on manure use in organic farming: either it must be first composted, or it must be applied at least 90 days before harvest, which allows ample time for microbial breakdown of pathogens.»
Just make sure to do some research on the ample amount of developmental therapy programs available and embrace the necessary help.
There is ample research from child development studies to support this, not to mention asking each parent the effect that their parents» relationship had on each of them.
An excellent book on this subject is «Dressed to Kill: The link between breast cancer and bras» There is certainly ample research today on the lymphatic system to suggest that constricting it on a daily basis is not a good idea...
Ample research has been done on the benefits of wrapping babies to mimic the security of the womb, however from a Chiropractic perspective, we have found that conventional wrapping isn't the best way to go about this.
It constantly amazes me that the homebirth advocates who are so ready to blame c - sections on US maternal mortality (despite ample evidence to the contrary) and who so tout their «research» have apparently never bothered to look up this basic information.
I was worried that a NY race might not garner as much national media attention therefore Mr. Cuomo's time at HUD, which directly contributed to the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and sub-prime mortgage debacles, leading to the economic meltdown, might not be covered adequately however based on CNN's interest in Gov. Paterson and the NY Governor's seat I am sure CNN will spend ample time researching and explaining Cuomo's debacle.
Moreover, notes Rescuing Medical Research Director Christopher Pickett in an email to Science Careers, providing «ample funding for the first years as a young faculty member will significantly reduce the burden on these scientists to obtain funding, and allow them to focus on developing creative and innovative ideas.»
If you shadowed me, you would learn that I spend at most a couple of hours each day on my clinical work, leaving ample time for research.
Fortune smiled on him (and on astronomy) when George Ellery Hale (1868 - 1936) offered him a research post at one of the few institutions in the United States where such positions were available at that time; and Shapley made ample use of his opportunity.
What we have already seen in the health research on kale is ample evidence that its glucosinolates provide cancer - preventive benefits.
John applies his experience and ample research full - time to the construction of a dynamic, evolving database of actionable, evidence - based information on digestive health.
School districts all over this country then gambled millions of dollars on technological quick - fixes, even as ample research tells us that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of metal detectors.
Yes, we need more research on which curricula work best, but we already have ample solid research demonstrating the decided advantage that the traditionalist emphasis on content knowledge has over the progressivist insistence on active learning (disengaged from domain facts and concepts).
Ample research affirms that the influence of technology on student learning is not entirely positive.
Our students learn through a combination of sequenced coursework, pertaining to the treatment of children, adolescents, and young adults in areas such as counseling theories and techniques, cross-cultural perspectives, lifespan development, psychopathology, psychological testing, research, positive psychology, and ethics, as well as through ample and diverse hands - on experiences in the field.
Accomplished principals will share the latest research and analysis on evidence - based strategies to support the role of principals according to ESSA evidence tiers, discuss how ESSA provides states and districts with ample opportunities to provide on - going professional support for principals, and share key strategies for sustaining high quality professional learning communities for principals and other school leaders.
Ample empirical research has demonstrated the superior historical performance of value investing in markets all around the world, although we certainly wouldn't know it based on the latest dismal decade for value!
With ample research and due diligence, you can find a foreclosure property that not only meets your list of required amenities but one that also will increase your net worth and get you on track with maintaining an ample amount of equity in your property.
Our doctors thoroughly research the different types of medications offered and always make sure they have ample supplies on hand.
While I am reading this thread and its ample links to further my own research on the web, I want to leave a new link today which accompanied a UCSUSA bulletin: the link is to a 50 - pp pdf published by an assortment of individuals in academia and government in CA, which document is to serve as the basis for an online colloquy involving UCSUSA members April 27.
On the energy / emissions trends, we're about the only publication I know of that has given sustained, in - depth coverage to the glaring lack of energy research, the limits of current efforts (including the existing renewables markets), and the real - world choices that faces a species heading toward 9 billion people, all of whom would love the gifts that come with ample energy.
Moniz is already taking heat from some environmental campaigners for his work directing the M.I.T. Energy Initiative, which — like many university energy and climate research hubs — receives ample funding from industries selling or dependent on fossil fuels.
KM lawyers on the other hand, may not have the same skill set, but usually have the advantage of ample research experience, and have practiced law.
Once you have done an ample amount of research on a particular insurance company — and you feel that the company is strong and stable financially, and that it has a positive reputation for paying out its claims — then it may be a good choice for purchasing a final expense life insurance policy through.
There's no time limit on the Clams distribution, so you have ample time to research the best choice of a new wallet.
Ample focus on research on premarital romantic relationship has not been provided in certain societies as evidenced by very limited research published on this issue among youth in non-western population and particularly developing nations (Desai, McCormick, & Gaeddert, 1990).
Ample research with full - term children indicates that those from more advantaged backgrounds outperform those from less advantaged backgrounds on tests of EF, despite no obvious SES differences in many other domains of cognition (Noble, Norman, & Farah, 2005).
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