Sentences with phrase «amplitude during the deadlift»

In addition, Bezerra et al. (2013) compared the hamstrings EMG amplitude during the deadlift and stiff - legged deadlift and also reported no differences between the two variations.
Few studies have been performed comparing hamstrings EMG amplitude during the deadlift and its variations while varying load, speed, depth, stance width or variation.

Not exact matches

Ono et al. (2011) assessed hamstrings EMG amplitude during a stiff - legged deadlift and reported that the EMG amplitudes of the biceps femoris and of the semimembranosus were significantly higher than that of the semitendinosus.
Schoenfeld et al. (2015) explored the EMG amplitude of the proximal (upper) and distal (lower) regions of the medial and lateral hamstrings during the stiff - legged deadlift and the lying leg curl exercises in resistance - trained males.
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