Sentences with phrase «amputation surgery»

"Amputation surgery" refers to a medical procedure where a body part, like an arm or leg, is surgically removed. Full definition
It was determined by our veterinarian friends that Tweety Bird would require leg amputation surgery for a better quality of life.
The cat, later named «Addie», underwent amputation surgery this past week, is ravenously eating to put on weight, and is making continuous progress.
Pets of the Homeless assisted with the maximum allowable benefit for Papi's amputation surgery which included: anesthesia, pain injections, hospitalization, iv fluids, monitoring, operating room, drain placement, antibiotics, x-rays, bandaging and an...
Tripawds ASAP (Amputation Surgery Assistance Program) helps families in need of aid due to the unexpected expense of an amputation for their dog or cat.
Veterinarians said that Lucky needs an expensive amputation surgery due to his injuries.
Depending upon the cause of your dog's limb amputation surgery, and whether or not there was an underlying disease or other condition at fault, you are going to have to work with your veterinarian about rehabilitating the animal so that he can get back to good health and emotional stability.
Ivy underwent leg amputation surgery and is doing well.
If you would like to help donate towards her amputation surgery we would greatly appreciate any assistance.
The pain experienced from the amputation surgery could be minimal, post-surgery pain.
Raffa was one of the three kittens needing the amputation surgery.
Papi needed an amputation surgery.
Clients who opt to have their pet participate in the trial will receive all four chemotherapy rounds for free, and receive $ 1,000 credit for the amputation surgery.
Amputation surgery is one of the few kinds of surgeries that will make a permanent and visible change in the shape of a person's body.
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