Sentences with word «anachronism»

Anachronism is a word that describes something or someone that is out of place or does not belong in a particular time period. Full definition
There are plenty of anachronisms in the movie's humor, but the most consistent is Albert himself, whose acknowledgement of how awful things are also suggests that he's aware it will get much better in the future.
However, the Electoral College exists as a sort of anachronism in our representative democracy.
The contextual directions given in places like Beirut or the confusing boulevards of Abu Dhabi — where different streets with the same name can confound even locals — are often seen as anachronisms.
To attack the President of the country at a time when the USA needs to close ranks and stand together to consolidate the enormous strides his intelligent and respectful approach has achieved in building bridges, when her party's period in government bombed them, Sarah Palin comes across as a pitifully inadequate anachronism from the times of the Far West.
- like anachronism of an introductory song.
They are also commonly seen today at Society for Creative Anachronism events or a Renaissance Fair.
Retro visuals are set against a game containing a non-linear mission structure, an upgradeable character and weapons, and active reloads; Mercenary Kings becomes a sort of gaming anachronism on the PS4 due to its mixture of tried - and - true with modern and new.
When we think of craft, we tend to think of expensive handmade objects, often considered anachronisms in a world of mass production and mass consumption.
However, the first - generation model was hampered by anachronisms like an early version of the MMI infotainment system that utilized a relatively clunky dashboard - mounted control knob.
The givenness of the barrier between time now and time then yields for us banalities about anachronism, on the one side, and imposes upon us the requirement of mediating between historical fact and religious truth, on the other.
The clothing and the tent in which John was depicted were no less anachronistic than the concept of him having signed the document: but such anachronism only reinforced the contemporary resonance of Magna Carta.
In many ways, the Nobel Prize is a charming anachronism.
The member - only printed lawyer directories are a quaint anachronism within the profession, but the public needs a better method for vetting professionals with the regulatory bodies.
Today, in our secular, modern multi-cultural Canadian society, the fear of divine retribution may seem a quaint anachronism, if not a complete irrelevancy.
There may be apparent anachronisms in certain aspects of the Book of Mormon, but the same could also be said of any book of scripture and many old science books as well.
Baseball, that pleasant anachronism we play in the dog days when we have time to catch our breath and dream of the dusty past, was once our game.
Short questions for «geek anachronism»: have you run tests just before getting pregnant, too?
While Lovelace is well made, with a terrific sense of period (though a few anachronisms exist), and features quite a formidable cast, especially a very courageous Seyfried, ultimately, the storytelling lacks a certain thematic resonance that makes a decent production into something well worth going out of your way to see.
Anachronisms abound on the soundtrack, but it's not wall - to - wall with modern music; there's still space for Craig Armstrong's original compositions and other music that captures the spirit of the times.
And don't even get me started on the historical inaccuracies and blatant anachronisms...
Richter's landscapes were not merely anachronisms but a modern, impersonal view of earth, ocean and sky; in its spareness and delicate coloring «Bridge (By the Sea, 1969, private collection, Berlin)» almost recalls Whistler's misty Japonese - like renderings of Battersea Bridge in London, but Richer's vision is thoroughly modern.
In a land that lusts after efficient turbodiesels, the Ford, with its naturally aspirated, 435 - hp 5.0 - liter V - 8, is a decadent anachronism that's as folksy as a copy of Playboy from the mid -»60s.»
It's almost as if the very anachronism of rabies, to the Western mind, has rendered it even more intriguing to us.
It's not hard to imagine a world where the Box Sale (and by extension, Gamestop's brick and mortar stores) are a curious anachronism as soon as 5 years from now.
Two wistful young men making enigmatic hand gestures, awkwardly recline by a campfire in Adrian Wiszniewski's idiosyncratic painting The First Anachronism of the Day.
The repeating names may suggest a certain Gilded Age anachronism, but A.G. is considered a real heavyweight in the newsroom — a smart and humble editor who's also very astute about the difficult state of the news business.
If we're reading Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, on the other hand, we soon recognize that Twain is having all sorts of fun with deliberate anachronisms, and we don't expect any sort of historical accuracy.
Forrester analyst Sarah Rotman Epps says «smartwatches are sci - fi inventions that are already anachronisms in this modern world,» while Gartner analyst Carolina Milanesi says the Gear is «more an overpriced toy than a device that really drives value to consumers.»
But one anachronism peculiar to his old industry still really gets his goat.
I'm fond of saying,» We have a choice... theological history or historical theology»... and becuz I lean toward the latter, biblical anachronisms (belonging to another time) aren't on my wish list.
It can not relegate itself to a self - consciously historical role as some gracefully surviving anachronism, some museum of dead forms.
This Catholic classicism embraces the intellectual and spiritual resources of Catholic tradition while keeping clear of Vichy nostalgia or the forced anachronism that everywhere limits the influence of «traditionalism.»
It's a sign of how thoroughly the sexual revolution has managed to flip moral values, to turn what was once an ideal into a misbegotten anachronism.
The implicit anachronism recurs, but what better word is there?
The collapse of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe briefly rejuvenated the hopes of Cubans living in the United States, though it now looks as if their homeland will not go the way of Romania or Hungary, but of North Korea — a global anachronism somehow clinging to power despite the sharp turns of history.
It is in this part of his educational theory that some theoretical anachronisms become apparent.
Scripture has many authors, it makes use of many sources, and it is written — if we may be excused an unhelpful anachronism — in various genres.
Might it be a certain failure to answer these questions which makes this statement seem a worrying anachronism: «The number constantly swells of the people who raise the most basic questions or recognise them with a new sharpness» (10).
The lack of the visually beautiful is evident in the way in which so much American church architecture, until it became too expensive, borrowed from European (Catholic) church styles, as witness the many Romanesque and Gothic anachronisms that dot the American landscape.
Reductionism and anachronism intersect to produce extraordinary confusion, but the result is the failure of contemporary perception to apprehend the incredible turbulence that is a part of every event and (as the Greeks knew so well) every hero.
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