Sentences with word «anadromous»

Most of the coastal rivers in North America once teemed with great runs of anadromous fishes — organisms that hatch in inland freshwater streams, migrate to the salty sea, then return to the streams to spawn.
A spectacular example is the migrations between rivers and the sea by the so - called anadromous species such as salmon, shad, river herring and sturgeon.
Fish that live in both fresh and salt water — and migrate to spawn - are called anadromous.
The U.S. Geological Survey's Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center and the Alden Research Laboratory, both in Massachusetts, are studying likelihoods of the «blade strike» reaction.
The researchers first caught mature pike from two anadromous populations at the time of spawning.
«This once was a world that had ten times more whales; twenty times more anadromous fish, like salmon; double the number of seabirds; and ten times more large herbivores — giant sloths and mastodons and mammoths,» says Roman.
anadromous species species of fish, such as salmon, that spawn in fresh water and then migrate into the ocean to grow to maturity
All the while a few miles south, the Cronin National Salmon Station stuggles to financially stay afloat and the Conte Anadromous Fish Labratory, 10 miles to the north does the same.
In addition to overseeing office operations, he manages American Rivers» programs in California related to hydropower reform, anadromous fish restoration, dam removal, climate change and water supply.
Salmon are anadromous: They migrate from home streams to the ocean as juveniles, and return a few years later as adults to spawn.
Salmon are anadromous; born in freshwater, they migrate to the ocean and then return to freshwater to spawn.
«Shad are continuing a downward trend that began around 2000,» says Michael Hendricks, a fisheries biologist who leads the Anadromous Fish Restoration Unit at the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.
(Salmon, you'll remember, are anadromous, meaning they are born in freshwater, swim downstream to the ocean to fully mature, spend anywhere from one to four years there, then head back upstream to their natal streams for spawning.)
Habitat and life cycle: Coho salmon are anadromous, meaning they hatch in a freshwater creek, migrate the ocean to mature, and return to the very creek in which they hatched in order to reproduce.
One of the Klamath River's «outstandingly remarkable values,» as the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act refers to the attributes that are required for WSR designation, is its anadromous fishery.
Like salmon, they are anadromous fish that migrate from the ocean into freshwater streams to spawn.
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