Sentences with word «anahata»

Known as anahata, it is located at the center of the chest.
The word anahata means «flawless» or «unstuck» in Sanskrit.
In Sanskrit, anahata means «unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten».
An extreme example of this intimate heart - anahata connection is the «broken heart syndrome,» caused by sudden, extreme stress in the form of shock, grief or sadness that results in a sick heart.
The heart chakra, known in Sanskrit as the anahata, stands for unhurt, unbeaten and unstruck — in other words, complete bliss.
The heart chakra (anahata, the fourth chakra) is located in the heart region of your chest.
The literal Sanskrit translation of «anahata» is «unhurt, unstuck, or unbeaten.»
The literal Sanskrit translation of «anahata» is «unhurt, unstuck, or...
The accumulation of guilt, shame, resentment, hatred, anger, hostility, anxiety and similar qualities results in «closing off» of the anahata, a constriction of energy flow and resulting in heartache — both emotionally as well as in the form of heart disease.
As non-serving emotional patterns drop away, the anahata finally begins to «open.»
The physical heart lies in the vicinity of the heart chakra (also called the anahata, which means «unstuck sound»), an important area worked on in yoga and most spiritual traditions.
This mudra, held in front of the heart chakra (anahata) or at the brow chakra (ajna), typically seals the end of our yoga practice as we say Namaste to honor the divine light in ourselves, our classmates, and our teachers.
To heal low back pain, we will be focusing on opening muladhara, the root chakra, and anahata, the heart chakra, both of which are often blocked when there is low back pain.
A lot of us have heard the word anahata before, and it's cause like back bends and heart - openers in yoga are often times called anahata, or like yoga studios will be like, «We're having an anahata workshop,» and it's all about back - bending, and opening your heart because, you know, the heart wants what it wants.
So now let's go to the anahata chakra.
In Kundalini yoga, anahata is awakened and balanced by asanas, pranayamas and the practice of ajapa japa (japa, without the mental effort normally needed to repeat the mantra) and purified by bhakti (devotion).
So if, for example, you have a blockage in your anahata (heart) chakra, you may have feelings of shyness or loneliness.
Physically, the heart (anahata) chakra governs the heart, lungs, blood, and circulation.
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