Sentences with phrase «anal sphincter»

The phrase "anal sphincter" refers to a muscle located at the end of the digestive tract, specifically around the anus. Its purpose is to help control and regulate the act of passing stool. Full definition
Ranging from the size of pea to the size of a hazelnut, the anal sacs are embedded between the internal and external anal sphincter muscles on each side of the anus.
It is so because the tone of anal sphincter largely determines if an anal fissure will develop when the anal canal is excessively stretched.
Dogs and cats have a pair of anal sacs, one located on each side of the anus between the external and internal anal sphincter muscles.
PetMD states, «Anal glands, or anal sacs as they are sometimes called, are small paired pouches located between the internal and external anal sphincter muscles, one on each side of the anus at roughly the 4 and 8 o'clock position.
In 2011, the team was the first to report functional, lab - grown anal sphincters bioengineered from human cells that were implanted in immune - suppressed rodents.
We would retain the natural reflexes that cause the pelvic floor muscles to assist the urethral and anal sphincters by reflexively contracting before a cough or a sneeze to help keep us dry and leak - free.
If anal sphincter is chronically tense, blood flow to this region is reduced causing the lining of your anus to become more susceptible to tearing.
A new study from University of Tampere, Finland suggests that human adipose stem cells injection represent a simple and feasible treatment option for anal sphincter muscle injury
Current options to repair the internal anal sphincter include grafts of skeletal muscle, injectable silicone material or implantation of mechanical devices, all of which have high complication rates and limited success.
Anal sacs sit between the internal and external anal sphincter at the four and eight o'clock position.
Faecal incontinence has been associated with damaged anal sphincter muscles, which perhaps can be surgically repaired, or injuries to the lumbar or pelvic area, with results from a nerve damage.
Cats may experience tremors, shivering, rigidity, loss of righting reflexes, lethargy, diarrhea and loss of anal sphincter tone.
Sphincter Project: The lab - engineered sphincters are designed to treat passive incontinence, the involuntary discharge of stool due to a weakened ring - like muscle known as the internal anal sphincter.
Reporting today in Stem Cells Translational Medicine, the research team verified the effectiveness of lab - grown anal sphincters to treat a large animal model for fecal incontinence, an important step before advancing to studies in humans.
5 - Hydroxytryptamine < sub > 2C receptors on pudendal motoneurons innervating the external anal sphincter.
As a result, the anal sphincter muscle becomes weak and unable to contain the soft stools that pass around the impaction.
For example, if you have an assisted vaginal delivery (especially with forceps) or an episiotomy, you're more likely to have a vaginal tear severe enough to involve the anal sphincter.
Anal incontinence can result from damage to the pelvic floor muscles or nerves (or both) during delivery, or from a tear or another injury to the anal sphincter.
Having a vacuum - assisted delivery increases your risk of tears in your vagina, perineum, and anal sphincter, though less so than with a forceps delivery.
Forceps delivery increases your risk of tears in your cervix, vagina, perineum, and anal sphincter.
Occasionally, the tissue around an episiotomy will tear, which may cause a laceration that goes into or through the anal sphincter, increasing the risk of gas or fecal incontinence (trouble controlling bowel movements or flatulence).
A third degree tear extends downwards from the vaginal wall and perineum to the anal sphincter, the muscle that controls the anus and a fourth degree tear extends to the anal canal as well as the rectum.
«A number of observational studies and randomized trials, however, showed that routine episiotomy is associated with an increased incident of anal sphincter and rectal tears,» write the authors of Williams Obstetrics (23rd edition, p. 401, their emphasis), including a four to sixfold risk of fecal or flatus incontinence.
In the process, the baby became distressed resulting in hypoxia (decreased oxygen), which made his intestinal activity increase and cause relaxation of the anal sphincter.
Both constipation and incontinence, although multifactorial, have also been associated with the problems related to the regulation of a ring of smooth muscle around the anal opening termed, the internal anal sphincter.
Using a new technique to deliver gene - therapy - like intervention directly where it's needed, researchers at Thomas Jefferson University successfully increased or decreased the muscle tone of the anal sphincter in appropriate animal models.
Reconstruction of the genital and urinary organs and lower abdomen including the bladder, anal sphincter and external genitalia
«By reattaching healthy tissue to the anal sphincter, people are able to have more regular bowel movements,» says Ganjhu.
Consider working to contract this area in various positions to see what works best and what needs work, and to see how effective are you from back to front contracting (anal sphincter, vaginal passageway or soft tissue behind the scrotum, and urethra - controlling the bladder).
It treats hemorrhoids (10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) because they are thought to be caused by spasm of the anal sphincter.
Place your index finger on your anal sphincter.
Because the muscles of the anus (anal sphincter) are not removed, this procedure allows people to remain in control of their bowels.
Ashwini Mudra is done by contracting the anal sphincter muscles in a rhythmic manner.
They are, from superficial to deep, our anal sphincter, our urogenital triangle, our urovaginal sphnincter, and our levator ani muscles.
Anal fissures that are caused by excessive stretching and a tight internal anal sphincter almost always occur at the north or south poles of the anal sphincter.
A fissure may develop if the anal sphincter's resting pressure becomes too high, causing spasm and reducing blood flow to the anus.
-- If a fissure is chronic (lasts long), you may need a prescription medication such as high blood pressure medications for a few weeks that will lower the resting pressure of the internal anal sphincter, thus allowing the edges of the fissure to come together and heal.
Mul bhand: Or root - lock, is done by contracting the anal sphincter (by pulling the muscles inward and upward), contracting the area around the sex organs, and at the same time contracting the lower abdominal muscles and the navel point towards the spine.
Severe or chronic prolapse requires surgery to strengthen and tighten the anal sphincter muscle or to repair the prolapsed lining.
You can effectively use your pelvic floor muscles to «hold it in» by doing a kegel type of movement — by squeezing and lifting your pelvic floor muscles to assist the anal sphincters «seal off» the rectum (through which the gas WANTS to escape).

Phrases with «anal sphincter»

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