Sentences with phrase «analysis challenges the assumption»

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Last year a team of researchers published a large meta - analysis study that challenged these assumptions.
The Washington - based National Council on Teacher Quality says an analysis it did of state laws challenges the common assumption that teacher...
Critical thinking involves a well - organized thought process that is focused on solving problems, analyzing and researching relevant research, willing to challenge assumptions, open to new possibilities and approaches, aware of the limitations and scope of analysis, reflective and transparent.
In addition to promoting early action, the analysis of chronic absence data often challenges assumptions about attendance and reveals unknown attendance patterns of individuals and groups of students.
This finding, which challenges long - term assumptions about college drop - outs, was only possible because of a research project using Big Data analysis.
The analysis challenges nine business as usual (BAU) assumptions made by the big energy companies when calculating that fossil use will continue to grow for the next few decades.
This analysis rests on the assumption that a healthy work - life balance is a weighty value to challenge.
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