Sentences with phrase «analysis criteria»

Machine learning refers to a process where computers are given access to mountains of data, along with a set of analysis criteria (created by an actual human being).
The QVision can analyse small trim, ground and diced meat and various seafood products for the following analysis criteria:
Use tools for evaluating curriculum and instruction in light of the NGSS science learning goals, including the Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Products (EquIP) rubric and Project 2061's research - based curriuclum materials analysis criteria.
Your educational goals will be called analysis criteria.
When you use ITyStudio to create simulation games, you need to enter analysis criteria.
He combines fundamental and technical analysis criteria and looks for seven things in a stock that will keep the investment and you safe:
They estimated that, of 100 foods that pass AAFCO analysis criteria, 10 to 20 would not pass the feeding trials, and of those, 10 percent would not be adequate for long - term feeding.
At the end of the game, every learner will have there results on each analysis criterion, with customized feedback.
From experience, we advise you to use between 3 to 6 analysis criteria.
It is very informal, but it certainly fulfills the analysis criteria.
Those analysis criteria are skills on which you want to evaluate your learners.
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