Sentences with phrase «analysis of a particular character»

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Schubert Ogden's theology as a whole is best characterized as an attempt to correct the «one - sidedly existentialist character» of Bultmann's theology1 by combining existentialist analysis with process philosophy in such a way that they mutually complement each other.2 This characterization applies likewise to Ogden's treatment of Christology in particular.
In particular, students infer and interpret key information about the characters from their introductions into the play, before tracking how their characters develop through close analysis of key quotations.
In particular, students infer and interpret key information about the characters from their introductions into the play, before tracking how their characters develop through close analysis of their key actions and quotations.
Students learn through the following tasks: - Gauging and collaborating previous knowledge of «equality» through a discussion - based starter task; - Reading chapters 9 and 10 with a particular focus on the increasing inequalities between the different animals, and demonstrating their understanding through a related activity sheet; - Gauging the inequalities between the animals through the design and explanation of an «equality graph» (template and instructions provided); - Understanding how the events of the final chapters help Orwell to get his message across to the reader; - Analysing how the inequalities between the animals are evident through either a character analysis of Boxer or Napoleon (template and success criteria provided); - Peer assessing their partners» learning attempts.
Of Mice and Men Resource Pack includes: - Of Mice and Men revision booklet with analysis into particular character quotes and themes.
The unit allows students to study the whole play, with particular focus upon in - depth analysis of three key scenes, allowing students to explore character development and structure.
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