Sentences with phrase «analysis of how»

Contact us today for a free analysis of how we can improve your online experience and source more opportunities for your bank or credit union mortgage division.
This summary is not a comprehensive analysis of how the law applies to you.
The Native Title Report 2011 will provide an in depth analysis of how the native title system contributes to lateral violence and identity conflicts.
The Psychology of Travel: A Theoretical Analysis of How Study Abroad and Positive Regression Affect Personal Growth and Career Choice.
Genograms include multi-generational relationships and are an in - depth analysis of how individuals relate to one another.
Analysis of how national funding formulae for schools, high needs and central school services blocks will affect specific protected groups.
Analysis of how changes to assessing pupils working below the standard of national curriculum tests will affect specific protected groups.
«No discussion on background checks these days is complete without an analysis of how the Internet is used for finding information about job candidates,» says Rosen, author of «The Safe Hiring Manual,» the first comprehensive guide to employment screening.
Global About Blog An analysis of how brands execute their social media strategies.
The premise behind Jobscan is that they provide an analysis of how well your resume will meet the needs of a particular job based on the keywords needed for the ATS (applicant tracking systems).
Put together a draft of your resume and perform a critical analysis of how much substance is actually included when all's said and done.
I presented an analysis of how Microsoft might incorporate this technology into its Conversation as a Canvas platform strategy:
In the first part of the report, EFF provides in - depth analysis of how overbroad and vague software patents, combined with an insufficient review process by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, have hindered rather than supported innovation.
In this article, you will find an analysis of how many users the leading digital currency bitcoin actually has at the start of 2018.
An in - depth analysis of how workflow is affected by the whole stack of hardware and software has, Ternus says, helped them to really understand the pain points.
It features information from over a dozen exchanges and you can get in - depth analysis of how currencies are doing.
For a more detailed analysis of how much insurance is needed to replace your income, use our Life Insurance Calculator.
Here's what a much better direct examination looks like, followed by an analysis of how it could be even better:
Peg, I think we need an analysis of how things would have been different if Romeo and Juliet texted.
Additionally, it features an analysis of how courts have chosen procedure over civil liberties in terror cases by Susan N. Herman.
Victims of brain injury or trauma deserve a careful analysis of how they functioned before and after the injury.
It follows The Second Machine Age which was reviewed here and gives a more detailed analysis of how the technological revolution is coming along.
This section uses three rhetorical questions to transition into the analysis of how experts «dumb down» copyright law and lead to misunderstandings.
The legal research service Ravel Law, which last year launched Judge Analytics to provide analysis of how individual federal court judges make decisions, today is launching Court Analytics, a similar feature that applies analytics to an entire court, including all its cases and judges.
Below are some of the issues raised by Clinton's departure from the race, as well as an analysis of how yesterday's Supreme Court ruling recognizing the right of Guantanamo detainees to avail themselves of habeas corpus procedures is impacting the campaign message of the remaining two candidates.
An experienced Lawyer can provide an analysis of how a particular case would likely be charged, and how best such a case could be promptly resolved, with as little pain and aggravation as possible.
ARS decisions are made with a complete recitation of the facts and thorough analysis of how the facts formed the basis for the decision.
If the medical malpractice has rendered the patient paralyzed or with permanent brain damage, a separate expert in the field of life care planning will need to conduct an extensive cost analysis of how much money will be needed to take care of the patient's medical needs for the rest of their life.
Google Analytics: Google Analytics integrates beautifully with Google AdWords and will provide enhanced statistical analysis of how people found your site, how they explored it, and what actions they took on your site.
I would be particularly interested in the constitutional analysis of how a gentle reminder is anything but minimally impairing of any supposedly infringed rights.
Saam does some SEO detective work and sets out a detailed analysis of how the firm achieved its ranking.
Continuing their analysis of how a litigator's life has changed since the new rules of civil procedure were introduced, Tracey Stretton, Mark Surguy & Damian Murphy examine case law under the new regime
Instead of doing a detailed analysis of how fossil generators were compensated during the cold snap, or which plants may have been cheaper to run, NETL offers a deeply misleading back - of - the - envelope calculation: it multiplies the increase in the daily cost of electricity above an arbitrary baseline (see next section) by the number of days in the cold snap.
We present an analysis of how three alternative scenarios for US power plant carbon standards could change fine particulate matter and ozone concentrations in ambient air, and the resulting public health co-benefits.
Including these other categories in current reserve estimates thus obscures analysis of how much new production capacity can be added annually and how much resources remain to be developed.
If you would like a tough minded analysis of how cat claims and extreme events have actually behaved over historically interesting lengths of time, visit Pileke, Jr.'s blogsite for some good examples.
They suggest that future reports attempt to allow for different perspectives on policy questions and introduce analysis of how past climate policies have worked.
«There is no plausible physical mechanism or analysis of how the atmosphere is forced to behave in this manner,» Trenberth said in an email.
The report includes a deep exploration of why carbon removal is a critical piece of the climate solutions puzzle, as well as an analysis of how philanthropies can ignite action to develop carbon removal solutions.
This technical document provides an analysis of how women are affected by the adverse effects of climate change hazards.
I would really like to see an analysis of how CO2 was supposed to have continued the warming against the break in the general trend from the 80s to 1998.
For an analysis of how well the climate models do at computing the rate of change of temperature by latitude for the period from 1970 to 2001 see Polar versus Equatorial Warming.
The first step will be seeking approval from the funds» trustees — which the mayor and comptroller said they were confident they could secure — to begin an analysis of how to sell the securities «in a responsible way that is fully consistent with fiduciary obligations» of the funds.
The report, known as «Plan B,» provided a detailed analysis of how power from the Diablo Canyon reactors could be replaced with renewable, efficiency and energy storage resources which would be both less expensive and greenhouse gas free.
Can you point to a detailed analysis of how well (and why) they reproduce pre-1970's warming.
The program was based on a disturbing analysis of how climate change policy is decided in Canberra.
Instead you; ll have to do some real hard analysis of how you got it so wrong for so long when it was all going on (or not) just outside your office window.
This 32 - page report provides a detailed analysis of how the rapid expansion of coal - fired power generation over the last decade has contributed to India's rapidly growing air pollution crisis.
Wills et al. (2016) present an analysis of how circulation changes influence the global pattern of change in net precipitation (precipitation minus evaporation, P — E).
The following provides an analysis of how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology is deliberately mainpulating raw climate data in order to misinform, misdirect and mislead the gullible public that there is some credence to the man made global warming FRAUD....
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