Sentences with phrase «analysis of variance»

For variables with normal distribution, one way analysis of variance was used to compare mean values.
The associations between coping resources, realized coping behaviors, quality of life, pain - related factors and socio - demographic characteristics were examined using analyses of variance.
Peak coordinates from repeated measures analysis of variance and one sample t - test.
A 2 × 2 (trial × gender) analysis of variance with repeated measures was used to analyze the data.
We calculated univariate analyses of variance for continuous variables.
To address these issues, we utilized univariate analyses of variance (ANOVAs) with Bonferroni - protected follow - up comparisons on the outcome measures, with work perception (self did more work, partner did more work, work was shared equally) serving as the grouping variable.
Statistical techniques do exist such as Analysis of Variance to determine whether a gain of 4 to 5 points is significant to the 95 % criterion level.
A repeated - measure, mixed - model analysis of variance revealed a treatment × time interaction (F7, 549 = 2.81, P =.007), indicating that patients undergoing FFT showed greater reductions in total affective symptoms over time than patients undergoing CM.
A 2 - way factorial analysis of variance (group × time) with repeated measures on the second factor was conducted to determine the effect of groups (control and experimental) and time (pretest and posttest) on the dependent variables (body mass, abdominal strength, body composition, waist circumference) using SPSS for Windows (version 15).
A one - way analysis of variance indicated significant mean differences in egalitarianism between groups on the DTAS (p <.0001).
Many statistical techniques, including analysis of variance and linear regression, were developed by evolutionary biologists, especially Ronald Fisher and Karl Pearson.
'' in many analyses of variance studies (where «due to,» «explained by,» «account for» don't have ordinary meanings).
Exposing stats illusions Shalizi warns «causal - sounding phrases... encourage confusion» in many analyses of variance studies (where «due to,» «explained by,» «account for» don't have ordinary meanings).
For clinical scores, a 2 - Group × 9 - Time Analysis of Variance showed significant effects of group (p = 0.0003, probiotic < controls), time (p < 0.0001) and group × time interaction (p < 0.0001).
Analyses of variance revealed lower self - esteem among adolescents in two - parent / low - interest families than among adolescents in other family contexts.
Within each country, a mixed between - within subjects analysis of variance was conducted to examine the effect of relationship type (spouse, mother, best friend) and participant sex on perceived ideal communal strength for each relationship.
Mesh terms: Aggression Analysis of Variance Animals Behavior, Animal Genetic Variation Macaca mulatta Male Maternal Deprivation Monoamine Oxidase Polymorphism, Genetic Promoter Regions, Genetic Random Allocation Social Environment
Genome - wide analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that germline SNPs / CNVs and somatic CNAs influenced > 39 % of gene expression probes, roughly half acting in cis and half in trans.
In simplest terms, the statistical procedure of the Coleman Report relies on a problematic stepwise analysis of variance approach, which makes strong assumptions about which factors are fundamental causes of achievement and which are of secondary significance.
The first Analysis of Variance I was asked to perform was by hand, before even calculators were easily available.
The data were analysed using a 2 (framing: loss vs. foregone - gain) × 3 (social norm: control vs. average - norm vs. rank - norm) between - participants Analysis of Variance (ANOVA [37]-RRB- performed using the anova function from the CAR package in the statistical computing software R (used for all subsequent statistical analyses).
Analysis strategy — We use analysis of variance over time, covarying for age and sex, to test for an interaction between time and arm of trial.
Repeated measures analysis of variance with follow - up main effect or simple effect comparisons were conducted.
The relative efficacy of the treatment groups was analysed by means of one way analysis of variance on the changes in scores before and after treatment.
Statistical techniques do exist such as Analysis of Variance... Read More
Associations between continuous AQUA scores and clinical / pathological parameters were assessed by analysis of variance.
Baseline differences among conditions were tested using analyses of variance and logistic regression.
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