Sentences with phrase «analysis suggests it amounts»

Voting intention Our poll shows in these marginals the Tories are ahead of Labour by 43 per cent to 36 per cent - that's a mirror image of Labour's victories in these seats and a YouGov analysis suggests it amounts to a 9 per cent swing to the Tories from Labour and a Conservative government with an overall majority of 60 - 70 seats.
Although faster - spreading lithosphere contains smaller quantities of this rock, our analysis suggests the amount of H2 produced there might still be large,» Worman said.

Not exact matches

After anschluss, director of an official Russian «Institute of Strategic Analysis» suggests the following amounts of subsidies:
One thing that surprised me about the Horton analysis is that it didn't even suggest the most obvious way to make the LD policy more redistributive, which is to lower the threshold for the higher rate of income tax by the same amount personal allowance is raised.
Cutting the amount of short - lived, climate - warming emissions such as soot and methane in our skies won't limit global warming as much as previous studies have suggested, a new analysis shows.
«We demonstrated that consecutively triggered earthquakes can enhance the amount of energy produced by the ruptures, exceeding the design specifications expected for buildings in moderate seismic hazard zones,» said Tramelli, whose analysis suggests that the shaking from multiple magnitude 5.0 earthquakes would be significantly greater than from an individual magnitude 5.0 event.
Gene expression analysis suggests that club cells express high amounts of antiviral genes in response to infection.
On the high end, recent work suggests that 4 feet is plausible.23, 3,6,7,8 In the context of risk - based analysis, some decision makers may wish to use a wider range of scenarios, from 8 inches to 6.6 feet by 2100.10,2 In particular, the high end of these scenarios may be useful for decision makers with a low tolerance for risk (see Figure 2.26 on global sea level rise).10, 2 Although scientists can not yet assign likelihood to any particular scenario, in general, higher emissions scenarios that lead to more warming would be expected to lead to higher amounts of sea level rise.
Barkana and Loeb's analysis also suggests that the galaxy surrounding J1030 has around the mass of the Milky Way given the amount of gas falling into its central black hole (CfA press release, Science, and Barakana and Loeb, 2003, in pdf).
Analysis from THE's data team suggests big differences among disciplines in the amount of scholarship that fails to garner a citation
The analysis, from researchers affiliated with the University of Texas at Dallas and the Hoover Institute at Stanford, also suggests that an ineffective principal can lower achievement by the same amount.
Morneau Shepell's analysis suggests that for a 25 - year - old, who is 40 years away from retirement in 2019, and eligible for the maximum benefit amount would reap the most rewards of the fully expanded regime.
Go to a retirement income calculator that uses Monte Carl0 analysis to make projections, plug in such information as your age, salary, savings rate, the amount, if any, you already have stashed in retirement accounts, the stocks - bonds mix you arrived at in step 2, the age at which you intend to retire, the percentage of pre-retirement income you'll require in retirement (80 % or so is a decent estimate) and how many years you expect to live in retirement (I suggest to age 95 to be on the conservative side)... and voila!
Pielke says the are a big deal, and he provides an analysis to suggest this accounts for a very significant amount of IPCC warming trend.
«There is a great risk that if regulators and stakeholders do not conduct the type of analyses suggested here, we will end up committing significant amounts of money and effort to improve resilience, yet have little constructive impact on the probabilities or actual levels of future customer outages,» the authors wrote.
However, Lindzen's analysis of the experimental data suggests that «negative feedbacks» (e.g., changes in cloud cover) act to decrease the amount of warming from increases in CO2.
Oxfam's analysis suggests the US, Germany, and France are all paying a fair amount, given their contributions to other international funds.
UW's analysis of travel reimbursement data suggested that its professional travel that year amounted to 136 million miles and created 23,811 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.
But keep in mind, any amount of life insurance is better than none, so if the needs analysis tool suggests more than you think you can afford, slide the dial down until it fits your budget and buy that amount for now.
Suggested amount and type of coverage depending on analysis of prospect's circumstances and used persuasive sales techniques.
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